adriano desouza

Bells & Winki Warm Up

With Bells beginning tomorrow the pros spent the weekend fine-tuning their boards and dialling in their rail game on the long walls of Bells and Winkipop. With few ramps and even less barrels Bells and Winki are unlike the rest of the venues on the World Tour. Down here it's all about keeping speed and flow, and, when the wave allows, striking with full rail blows.

Ed Sloane caught Adriano Desouza, Gabriel Medina, Mick Fanning, Michel Bourez and Alejo Muniz adjusting their game to the winding Torquay walls.

Bells & Winki Warm Up

With Bells beginning tomorrow the pros spent the weekend fine-tuning their boards and dialling in their rail game on the long walls of Bells and Winkipop. With few ramps and even less barrels Bells and Winki are unlike the rest of the venues on the World Tour. Down here it's all about keeping speed and flow, and, when the wave allows, striking with full rail blows.

Ed Sloane caught Adriano Desouza, Gabriel Medina, Mick Fanning, Michel Bourez and Alejo Muniz adjusting their game to the winding Torquay walls.

Quiksilver Pro: Day 4 Photos

Day 4 had everything a keen viewer wants to see in sports performance: iffy judging, cruel tactics, and through-the-roof surfing. Read the The Outsider's take on a memorable day here. All photos by Alex Ormerod.//STUART NETTLE

Quiksilver Pro: Day 4 Photos

Day 4 had everything a keen viewer wants to see in sports performance: iffy judging, cruel tactics, and through-the-roof surfing. Read the The Outsider's take on a memorable day here. All photos by Alex Ormerod.//STUART NETTLE