House prices

Blowin's picture
Blowin started the topic in Friday, 9 Dec 2016 at 10:27am

House prices - going to go up , down or sideways ?

Opinions and anecdotal stories if you could.


Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 11:57am

Hey Andy

I thought the article great , really !

Impressed that the Lass at the Age pointed out reality .

Perhaps my view of the Age ( not the Guardian :) , needs updating .

Maybe they changed their editor 2 like the AFR ?

There readership was falling to .

We need the Age , in Melbourne , to be what it once was , our Leading Editorial imho !

They are great on Footy 2 .

Maybe U are the Bloody Editor Andy ?

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 1:54pm

Building our way out of a housing crisis is an ideologically retarded reality.
Just as the Greens spokesperson saying that huge immigration has no affect on housing pressure is also an ideologically retarded reality.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 2:16pm

One of the better comments from that age article:

‘How about the Greens lead evidenced based discussions. In the 2021 census the unoccupied dwelling rate was 10.1%. In 2001 it was 9.2%. In 1981 it was 10.1%. In fact over the past 40 odd years it has been in a range between 9.2% (2001) to 11.2% (2016). So in fact in the 2021 census the number of unoccupied dwellings actually dropped! So the unoccupied dwelling rate has basically remained stable for 40 plus years. It is clearly not a key factor in the current rent crisis/housing price rise. The current crisis has been caused by a 20 year population growth fueled by various immigration and the failure to match that extra demand with extra housing.

Please let's start concentrating on the facts. Here in Victoria over a 20 year period Melbourne's population increased by 2 million people. Let this sink in. That is around 2000 extra people needing housing every week for a 1000 consecutive weeks. Clearly this is and has been unsustainable. There are solutions. 1. We need to curtail all types of immigration (permanent, working, student) for a period of 3-5 years. 2. We need to pause big build infrastructure for the same period & to divert those big building resources - capital, labour and materials to big build housing. 3. We need to stop with Melbourne & Sydney growing ever bigger & develop secondary satellite cities. Melbourne already holds 75% of Victoria's population and it is heading towards 85%. Again this is unsustainable for a livable city. Let's think/act differently.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 2:18pm

Perhaps what is more retarded Andy , is that the Greens Policy is Albo's policy , it seems ?

I think it would be a Big vote WINNER for the Government to Immediately Invest Big into Social Housing .

With a Professionally managed Program , why can't the Govt , be Australia's Biggest Land Lord .

The State Government and federal govt . already OWN most of the land around Melbourne .

The Markets would support this initiative and there are many Big Listed Companies , that could help .

Exactly the same with the Energy Market .

Give these Markets help , incentives , fast tracking , tax relief , Public Funds can also help and just start building good stuff .

Lets start some small manufacturing industries .

All this needs Cheaper Electricity !!!

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 2:25pm

And yes Andy, the discussion is still dominated by ideological dogmas rather than practical solutions. Building more is required to reach an equilibrium but meeting these demand levels is impossible. There are so many levers pushing the demand up; population growth, government grants, taxation…Some of these need to give to cool off the demand and only then the supply side might have a chance of catching up.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 3:25pm


U are right but the Intake of People is driving UP demand and unless it drops to zero , supply has no chance to catch up with current demand .

Increasing Supply can be done tomorrow without Changing the Tax treatment of Property or affecting Demand .

Shit , Some smart Town Planner , can be given a Billion tomorrow and given the job to Boost State Housing in Melbourne .

Goes and offers ALL the Owners of Industrial Zoned Land , within a 50km radius around Melbourne , a Great Deal ( not 2 good ) to relocate to wherever they want .

The Greens may go for it , as it will move Most of the Big Trucks , out of our City Centre ( where they live ) !!!

Then help them move !

They SAME deal Stands for 1 year .

All the Owners who agreed to Sell and move , will be given a little bonus , later .

This Property ONLY , is then Re Zoned to Residential and The Market can build Lovely Apartments and homes .

These can either be Rented or Sold .

Then , a simple formula based bonus , is paid to the previous owner .

The Deal can still stand ( no bonus ) to any Other Property Owner to sell later , plus inflation .

The Land Bank will build in ONE Year .

Say U plan to put some Heavy Vehicle restrictions in Place !

In 10 years we can build 100k NEW homes in Melbourne , alone .

At a handsome profit and with homes still being built .

Gosh , it sounds so simple to me .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 4:34pm

"That is around 2000 extra people needing housing every week for a 1000 consecutive weeks"

let that sink in indeed!

any developed country would struggle with that kind of deluge...

but especially australia, with its over- regulated... well... everything...

(except immingration it seems)

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 5:21pm

and, I find all this bullshit talk about social housing to be just that... talk... and bullshit...

having grown up next door to social housing, and worked in social services for 15 years, I have watched with absolute bewilderment as goverments of all persuasions have sold off modest social housing dwellings to aquire and build not so modest social housing...

this is done at a rate of about 3:1...

ie. sell 3 old school social housing dwellings to aquire 1 flash palace... and now look where we are...

absolutely mindless and stupid

as udo and indo have alluded to, we need a massive re-think about what constitutes 'suitable housing' in australia... and this does not just relate to social housing... its right across the board...

also, as andymac suggested way back, we need something like the 'kos' system in indo, where people can rent self contained rooms in a larger complex

any roof is better than no roof!

australia has lost the plot in what is regarded as 'normal' and 'appropriate'

I see victoria has relaxed regs. re granny flats... its almost like we have a monolith of public servants justifying their existence by finding new ridiculous rules to make the public's life more painful...

funny to watch all these tent encampments and the like popping up all over the place... as someone who's spent far too long living in their car / van - way back b4 it was cool - the various councils' focus must have changed big time...

geez 20 - 30 years ago it was tough slog living in ya car around byron, margaret river, and sydney...

the whole WA coast actually... which seemed kinda bizarre with such and abundance of space over west...

anyway, curious how are all these people living in cars and vans now?

council rangers a bit more sympathetic?

only fines for winnebago warriors and chic vanlyfers?

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 7:54pm

Read today that China has the opposite problem, too many houses and apartments and not enough people to put in them, part of their declining growth problem.
Maybe we do a contra deal with them. 5.5 % of Aust population with Chinese ancestry, around 1.5 million residing here in 2021 and probably higher now, dunno how many are still Chinese nationals, can't find those figures, would guess the vast majority. Chinese the only ancestry out of all of the top 5 to have grown between 2016 and 2021 census, so maybe put the brakes on that and help solve a few foreign affairs and housing problems at the same time.
Or is that racist?
And yes young Max and the Greens are a bit ridiculous, but for young renters and those who feel locked out of a housing market riddled with investor tax advantages, he and they seem to them to be the only one's going in to bat for them. I expect their vote to grow next election.
And the fkn RE industry needs a fkn good clean up, ruthless agents are a big part of the problem. Absolute spivs and leaches the lot of them. And all the dirty money that Crown and Star lost through their getting caught out (finally) went straight into Aust, RE. Rock up on a Harley wearing your patched jacket with a bag of deposit cash and no one even blinks, just see if they've got something else to sell you might be interested in. Same goes for any crook washing cash.
Shorten went to his Waterloo with some good solutions I thought, too many probably, and the MSM crucified him for it and backed in a fkn lunatic and that ended well didn't it. Labor know what the problems are but are too weak to do anything about any of it now, except have long, meaningless inquiries then do nothing anyway. LNP are barely a functioning party these days and would only make it worse for those locked out or living in cars unable to even find an affordable rental. That's why the Greens and little Max make sense to those people, even if they are nonsensical.
It's a hot mess and only worsening.
Public housing used to be bipartisan, way back, they used to even compete to outdo each other.
What is the point of finding money for some of the things Australian Governments do when they can't and don't want to provide anything for the people that actually need a leg up.

Like him or not, Bernie Sanders is onto it in the USA I reckon, we need more of this here IMO...

And we need a lot less of this....

and this...

I could go on ad infinitum with this type of stuff but think I made my point, so instead here's a cheeky pup video...

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 9:25pm

Max is a goose , the Greens will Pretend to Bat for anyone who will to vote for them and we can't find anything that they actually do .

They don't even argue for their Immigration policy ffs !

How can he help renters , when he has NFI and thinks there are a fn Million empty homes for rent . Or he is a Charlatan and is full of it .

When there is 700k New people this year he blames Property Developers who are going Broke .

It's ridiculous to so say Max is a bit ridiculous as he is OFF the Planet with their NO plans .

A total waste of space and is DOING nothing to help people wanting to find the money for a home .

Max just wants higher costs to live with Power Prices on a Never ending escalator .

Adam 12 - U say INVESTMENT Property get special TAX treatment .

I will say u are good at law , as it's the SAME as all OTHER asset classes , when I last looked .

U want 2 try a Stupid idea Keating introduced and ditched and Stupid Shorten thought was a shoe in .

He got smashed for trying to abolish another Keating idea , Franking Credits .

Don't fuck with markets .

This IS now a Rental crisis with 700000 new Australian arriving THIS year .

It's TIME for EVERYONE 2 take this issue very Seriously .

Do we have 2 see thousands MORE homeless people on our Streets before we do ?

Shanty Towns around Melbourne ?

dandandan's picture
dandandan's picture
dandandan Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 at 9:43pm

Pop Down I don't want to be too dismissive but you've got absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 6:48am

There are full shanty towns happening in Byron Bay.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 6:57am
adam12 wrote:

Read today that China has the opposite problem, too many houses and apartments and not enough people to put in them, part of their declining growth problem.
Maybe we do a contra deal with them. 5.5 % of Aust population with Chinese ancestry, around 1.5 million residing here in 2021 and probably higher now, dunno how many are still Chinese nationals, can't find those figures, would guess the vast majority. Chinese the only ancestry out of all of the top 5 to have grown between 2016 and 2021 census, so maybe put the brakes on that and help solve a few foreign affairs and housing problems at the same time.
Or is that racist?
And yes young Max and the Greens are a bit ridiculous, but for young renters and those who feel locked out of a housing market riddled with investor tax advantages, he and they seem to them to be the only one's going in to bat for them. I expect their vote to grow next election.
And the fkn RE industry needs a fkn good clean up, ruthless agents are a big part of the problem. Absolute spivs and leaches the lot of them. And all the dirty money that Crown and Star lost through their getting caught out (finally) went straight into Aust, RE. Rock up on a Harley wearing your patched jacket with a bag of deposit cash and no one even blinks, just see if they've got something else to sell you might be interested in. Same goes for any crook washing cash.
Shorten went to his Waterloo with some good solutions I thought, too many probably, and the MSM crucified him for it and backed in a fkn lunatic and that ended well didn't it. Labor know what the problems are but are too weak to do anything about any of it now, except have long, meaningless inquiries then do nothing anyway. LNP are barely a functioning party these days and would only make it worse for those locked out or living in cars unable to even find an affordable rental. That's why the Greens and little Max make sense to those people, even if they are nonsensical.
It's a hot mess and only worsening.
Public housing used to be bipartisan, way back, they used to even compete to outdo each other.
What is the point of finding money for some of the things Australian Governments do when they can't and don't want to provide anything for the people that actually need a leg up.

Like him or not, Bernie Sanders is onto it in the USA I reckon, we need more of this here IMO...

And we need a lot less of this....

and this...

I could go on ad infinitum with this type of stuff but think I made my point, so instead here's a cheeky pup video...

Adam12. Love ya work. Pretty much sums things up.

We could apply the same premise to our nation with the direction in which it’s heading.. AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 7:34am

Dandy - please dismiss ANY idea I put forward , as all are up for analysis and debate .

I have been wrong on so many issues , there are sure to be many , that are Pop Farts .

Very happy to change a view on ANY issue , IF it makes sense to ME !

If I seem grumpy with Adam 12 - it's because I know him and don't want to show him any favours as I have know him for 45 years .

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 12:43pm

@AW, thanks mate, how you going? From some of the posts I've been seeing lately pretty bloody good by the looks of things. Got a good little story about my other pet Cuddles the cat I think you will enjoy, nearly lost two pets in quick succession last month, the cat was down to me and my stupidity, so might get to that later, first gotta deal with an old mate and some of his little Pop farts.

Now @Pop, as always don't take anything I say as gospel, or seriously, I'm as clueless as anyone, and am good at talking shit as you well know, just my thoughts. Feeling a bit chipper and cheeky right now, just had a great little session at a secret, not so secret little beachie with one of my favorite guys to surf with, the unofficial mayor of Grove Chooka Piec, 74 years old and still ripping on his Beckham mals and frothing like a grom, just him and me out trading head high zippers. Water is like the Gold Coast atm, and super clear, no rain for ages. You need to get off your arse and away from the screen and do more surfing, clock's running for the both of us, but I digress.

Couple of coffee spitting quotes from you above, first the "don't want to do him any favors". Good on ya, I'll remind you of that one next time we actually are in the line up and I'm paddling up your inside all the time and pinching waves off you.

Now, more on topic, this one "Don't fuck with markets", my sentiment exactly. But fuck I laugh at all you "free" market banking and finance capitalist guys that sit in front of screens all day watching incremental movements and trying to sniff the profit wind with a mix of financial alchemy and insider knowledge, between stuffing their guts with huge breakfast and lunch "meetings" and hunting down other people's money they can use to "invest" for them to try and enrich themselves.

It's all good until things hit the shitter and then they scream like two year olds and suddenly turn into rabid socialists and look to taxpayers to bail them out of the shit they created for themselves. they love "fucking with the market" then. can't get enough of it.

An example, the GFC and those (or one in particular) enormous American banks that bundled up all those shit mortgage "products" and sold them off to suckers and when it all proved a worthless con game and the entire financial system was about to fall off a cliff, they didn't go to the "market" then, quite the opposite, and poor old Obama, brand new President getting handed a shit sandwich by Bush, fell for it and the taxpayer had to bail them all out.

My view at the time was fuck 'em. Let them all go broke, the assets may have lost all the conflated value but they were still there, many good assets. Let new managers come in and take them over, there is actually growth to be had in that. But no, the system got "saved" by socialism, not free market capitalism.

Another example from those days, closer to home. Our Banking market. At that time we actually had a slew of new entrants and the big four had some healthy competition emerging. But when the shit hit the fan who's deposits did the Australian taxpayer guarantee? The Big Four's, and only theirs, because they had their lobbyists wandering the halls of parliament, they had their large political donations in place. And those smaller banks that were actually creating more of what could be described as an actual "market" all got gobbled up by the big boys and when the dust settled they just carried on fucking everyone for enormous profit. Still happening today, the C/W bank just gobbled up another one this week, had to win it on appeal through the courts, but the law and the politicians are all geared their way. It's not a proper market to me, it's manipulated, like the property market, to favor those with the clout and by piss weak political leadership. All for robust profitable banks, but free market? Bullshit to that.

Now another little example for your "don't fuck with the market". Remember Dick Pratt? I know you do, in more ways than one. (Now there is a fkn @Pop story I wish I could tell here, that one's a fkn beauty actually isn't it?) Remember that Pub in Richmond where he used to meet with his competitor and rig the cardboard packaging market? Got busted and half ruined his legacy. Richest family in Australia south of Gina Rinehart. "Free market" my arse. Do you reckon Anthony is any better? I was at Law School with him, knew him, I have my doubts he is. Tried to tune his sister at Uni you may recall, didn't even know she was a Pratt at the time, fuck I wish I'd have pursued that with more vigour, would be in the billionaire class now myself, would have probably been willing to convert to Judaism myself had I known.

Now regarding the property "market". Give me a break, it's a fkn Ponzi scheme. Rigged as fuck. I can remember twenty or more years ago screaming at my TV "Why is the Australian taxpayer getting involved in propping up property investors?".
Now leave Paul Keating out of things, he set this country up in ways the LNP and their leadership at the time, or since, would never have had the guts or brains to do. He wasn't perfect but in my opinion was and probably still is one of the sharpest minds ever to grace the Government benches this country has seen. You may disagree.

No, I think the rot started under Howard and his gutless smarmy treasurer Costello. Howard gets lauded as the new Menzies by today's LNP rabble and wheeled out like some Liberal Party God but if you remember those days he went into every election looking like a loser because he was actually a three time reject by his own people, a failed treasurer and party leader himself, and shit at his job. But he was a Murdoch flunkie so Rupert set his minions on rewriting history and the Lazarus legend was born. But he was actually an odds on loser most election cycles and got Costello to piss away the rewards from the resources boom onto election bribes, it worked I admit, and that is when the property market stopped being a market and became something else. If you ever watched the ABC "nemisis" type series from that era, Costello lays the whole thing out himself.
I could waste my time finding graphs and videos and so on to back myself in here but as you know me and I know you I'm not going to bother. That's just what I think so take it as that.

We actually have a property "crisis", a rental "crisis", and yes immigration is in the mix, but what we don't have is a proper market able to deal with it. It's not fit for purpose because too many idiots have fiddled with it, the taxpayer got put into it propping up favored classes. It's now dysfunctional, a hot mess as I said. Fine if you are a winner, but too many losers, too many who can't even get a go at it. Too many living in tents and cars. We are one of the richest per capita in the world but heading the way of the US, "Shanty towns"?, we are heading for "shanty suburbs" "shanty cities" the way we are going and I'm not looking for the ALP and Albo (and Dr. Jim) to do anything real about it. Just look at the shit the robber baron owned MSM have given him over the tax cut changes. He hasn't got the balls even if he had the vision.
That's why the Greens and little Max are on a winner I reckon. Don't be surprised if they end up in minority with the ALP next election. Albo is enough of a political animal to sniff that in the wind, that's probably why the leak that he's going to go early seems to hold some weight to me.

When an Indian family that arrives here four years ago and now owns thirty "investment" properties, it's not a market to me. When some twenty one year old gets leveraged in by his rich parents in 2019 and is now a landlord over twenty properties, any losses laid at the feet of the taxpayer, gains giong all in his pockets, it's not a market to me. Just two examples of actual people I've seen on TV recently.
When some shit box fifty year old two bedroom house in some shit box suburb is worth well over a million and rents out for well over a grand a week and the landlords losses are sponsored by the taxpayer, it's not a market to me. When a first home buyer can't match the (under quoted) price a propped up taxpayer sponsored investor can offer at auction, something you read about every day, it's not a market to me.
"Don't fuck with the market", Yep. But they have already, repeatedly, both sides, over a long time, have. And then their "solution" is fiddling like handing out first home buyer grants to counter their bullshit and that just fucks the market and ups the price even more.
(I got thirty grand for mine from one government and handed the lot over to another, they could have just paid each other and left me the fuck out of the paperwork really.)

So a lot more I could say, got a few ideas myself, but this is too long already and it's still offshore so I'm going to go and do something I enjoy more than giving you a bit of shit on these threads. maybe later. Get off your arse and go for a surf @Pop. We solve nothing here.

@AW I'll tell you that story about my cat later, I'll find a fresh post of yours somewhere and do it soon.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 12:55pm
freeride76 wrote:

There are full shanty towns happening in Byron Bay.

good time to be living in ya car...

kind of

tensions in the river... again...

I gotta say, the current vanlyfers are a bit shameless and classless in their ways

with the euros taking it to a new level

they just dont seem to get the respect we show for public places and especially beach and nature areas

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 1:05pm

ya cop a lot of shit on here for bagging labor, but seriously, our leaders have failed big time, leaders of all persuasions...

and now labor bring in 737 000 in one year!

with the 'genius' public relations exercise of planning to half it to a target of 350 000 next year - still 100 000 above the historical inflated figures that created this mess!

and, I emphasis the word 'target'

I honestly dont know how anyone can even bother to defend labor

and yeh, that greens clown couldn't even bring himself to say 737 000 is too many!

fucken clueless

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 1:20pm

737,000 people in one year is insane, sure i guess many also leave Australia in that period, but its no surprise we have a housing crisis.

I dont care how anyone wants to paint it, end of the day its about supply and demand.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 1:25pm
adam12 wrote:

@AW, thanks mate, how you going? From some of the posts I've been seeing lately pretty bloody good by the looks of things. Got a good little story about my other pet Cuddles the cat I think you will enjoy, nearly lost two pets in quick succession last month, the cat was down to me and my stupidity, so might get to that later, first gotta deal with an old mate and some of his little Pop farts.

Now @Pop, as always don't take anything I say as gospel, or seriously, I'm as clueless as anyone, and am good at talking shit as you well know, just my thoughts. Feeling a bit chipper and cheeky right now, just had a great little session at a secret, not so secret little beachie with one of my favorite guys to surf with, the unofficial mayor of Grove Chooka Piec, 74 years old and still ripping on his Beckham mals and frothing like a grom, just him and me out trading head high zippers. Water is like the Gold Coast atm, and super clear, no rain for ages. You need to get off your arse and away from the screen and do more surfing, clock's running for the both of us, but I digress.

Couple of coffee spitting quotes from you above, first the "don't want to do him any favors". Good on ya, I'll remind you of that one next time we actually are in the line up and I'm paddling up your inside all the time and pinching waves off you.

Now, more on topic, this one "Don't fuck with markets", my sentiment exactly. But fuck I laugh at all you "free" market banking and finance capitalist guys that sit in front of screens all day watching incremental movements and trying to sniff the profit wind with a mix of financial alchemy and insider knowledge, between stuffing their guts with huge breakfast and lunch "meetings" and hunting down other people's money they can use to "invest" for them to try and enrich themselves.

It's all good until things hit the shitter and then they scream like two year olds and suddenly turn into rabid socialists and look to taxpayers to bail them out of the shit they created for themselves. they love "fucking with the market" then. can't get enough of it.

An example, the GFC and those (or one in particular) enormous American banks that bundled up all those shit mortgage "products" and sold them off to suckers and when it all proved a worthless con game and the entire financial system was about to fall off a cliff, they didn't go to the "market" then, quite the opposite, and poor old Obama, brand new President getting handed a shit sandwich by Bush, fell for it and the taxpayer had to bail them all out.

My view at the time was fuck 'em. Let them all go broke, the assets may have lost all the conflated value but they were still there, many good assets. Let new managers come in and take them over, there is actually growth to be had in that. But no, the system got "saved" by socialism, not free market capitalism.

Another example from those days, closer to home. Our Banking market. At that time we actually had a slew of new entrants and the big four had some healthy competition emerging. But when the shit hit the fan who's deposits did the Australian taxpayer guarantee? The Big Four's, and only theirs, because they had their lobbyists wandering the halls of parliament, they had their large political donations in place. And those smaller banks that were actually creating more of what could be described as an actual "market" all got gobbled up by the big boys and when the dust settled they just carried on fucking everyone for enormous profit. Still happening today, the C/W bank just gobbled up another one this week, had to win it on appeal through the courts, but the law and the politicians are all geared their way. It's not a proper market to me, it's manipulated, like the property market, to favor those with the clout and by piss weak political leadership. All for robust profitable banks, but free market? Bullshit to that.

Now another little example for your "don't fuck with the market". Remember Dick Pratt? I know you do, in more ways than one. (Now there is a fkn @Pop story I wish I could tell here, that one's a fkn beauty actually isn't it?) Remember that Pub in Richmond where he used to meet with his competitor and rig the cardboard packaging market? Got busted and half ruined his legacy. Richest family in Australia south of Gina Rinehart. "Free market" my arse. Do you reckon Anthony is any better? I was at Law School with him, knew him, I have my doubts he is. Tried to tune his sister at Uni you may recall, didn't even know she was a Pratt at the time, fuck I wish I'd have pursued that with more vigour, would be in the billionaire class now myself, would have probably been willing to convert to Judaism myself had I known.

Now regarding the property "market". Give me a break, it's a fkn Ponzi scheme. Rigged as fuck. I can remember twenty or more years ago screaming at my TV "Why is the Australian taxpayer getting involved in propping up property investors?".
Now leave Paul Keating out of things, he set this country up in ways the LNP and their leadership at the time, or since, would never have had the guts or brains to do. He wasn't perfect but in my opinion was and probably still is one of the sharpest minds ever to grace the Government benches this country has seen. You may disagree.

No, I think the rot started under Howard and his gutless smarmy treasurer Costello. Howard gets lauded as the new Menzies by today's LNP rabble and wheeled out like some Liberal Party God but if you remember those days he went into every election looking like a loser because he was actually a three time reject by his own people, a failed treasurer and party leader himself, and shit at his job. But he was a Murdoch flunkie so Rupert set his minions on rewriting history and the Lazarus legend was born. But he was actually an odds on loser most election cycles and got Costello to piss away the rewards from the resources boom onto election bribes, it worked I admit, and that is when the property market stopped being a market and became something else. If you ever watched the ABC "nemisis" type series from that era, Costello lays the whole thing out himself.
I could waste my time finding graphs and videos and so on to back myself in here but as you know me and I know you I'm not going to bother. That's just what I think so take it as that.

We actually have a property "crisis", a rental "crisis", and yes immigration is in the mix, but what we don't have is a proper market able to deal with it. It's not fit for purpose because too many idiots have fiddled with it, the taxpayer got put into it propping up favored classes. It's now dysfunctional, a hot mess as I said. Fine if you are a winner, but too many losers, too many who can't even get a go at it. Too many living in tents and cars. We are one of the richest per capita in the world but heading the way of the US, "Shanty towns"?, we are heading for "shanty suburbs" "shanty cities" the way we are going and I'm not looking for the ALP and Albo (and Dr. Jim) to do anything real about it. Just look at the shit the robber baron owned MSM have given him over the tax cut changes. He hasn't got the balls even if he had the vision.
That's why the Greens and little Max are on a winner I reckon. Don't be surprised if they end up in minority with the ALP next election. Albo is enough of a political animal to sniff that in the wind, that's probably why the leak that he's going to go early seems to hold some weight to me.

When an Indian family that arrives here four years ago and now owns thirty "investment" properties, it's not a market to me. When some twenty one year old gets leveraged in by his rich parents in 2019 and is now a landlord over twenty properties, any losses laid at the feet of the taxpayer, gains giong all in his pockets, it's not a market to me. Just two examples of actual people I've seen on TV recently.
When some shit box fifty year old two bedroom house in some shit box suburb is worth well over a million and rents out for well over a grand a week and the landlords losses are sponsored by the taxpayer, it's not a market to me. When a first home buyer can't match the (under quoted) price a propped up taxpayer sponsored investor can offer at auction, something you read about every day, it's not a market to me.
"Don't fuck with the market", Yep. But they have already, repeatedly, both sides, over a long time, have. And then their "solution" is fiddling like handing out first home buyer grants to counter their bullshit and that just fucks the market and ups the price even more.
(I got thirty grand for mine from one government and handed the lot over to another, they could have just paid each other and left me the fuck out of the paperwork really.)

So a lot more I could say, got a few ideas myself, but this is too long already and it's still offshore so I'm going to go and do something I enjoy more than giving you a bit of shit on these threads. maybe later. Get off your arse and go for a surf @Pop. We solve nothing here.

@AW I'll tell you that story about my cat later, I'll find a fresh post of yours somewhere and do it soon.

Adam12. I’m very well mate, hope you’re also.

Wow, now there’s a name I’ve not heard for awhile, Chooka Piec, glad to hear he’s still around and still surfing. You and I surf the same coast.

I use to be in 13th Beach Boardriders, poked his head in and out every now and then.
I’m banging my head at present trying to sort out our forecast which keeps changing for the worst, was hoping for two solid days with ok winds, not looking too good. Maybe a trip down the GOR or,,,,
May have to jump on a plane to a Bass Strait island and catch up with my brother considering the winds going to blow SW for the better part of the forecast .

Look forward to your cat story, pussy stories late at night soothe the soul, meow. AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 3:12pm

Hey Adam 12

U always were good at getting waves around me .

Pratt ran his business as he wanted and never wanted to Play by the Markets Rules .

Just like Fox .

They can't be bothered putting up with the Markets Rules and never Needed the Market to give them money .

I commented that Goldmans were fined $550m for helping to created the GFC and sell the crap Mortaged Backed Securities ( and the Regulators had NFI ) .

Trump was fined $355m for saying his properties were nicer than the banks thought .

The Robber Barrons of Wall St .

Lol , I did Look at screens for way 2 long each day , thinking about what the market would think about even the smallest of nuances .

Always knew I had NFI what could happen tomorrow as everything keeps changing .

As U know , I was a Mum and Dad Adviser and knocked off when the ASX closed .

Was known for having the occasional lunch , around Collins St .

If I was delayed at Lunch , past 2.59 , I would do the mandatory FTR ( Fail 2 Return ) .

Never owned as many Zenny Suits as Paul ( they are the best imho ) .

He always looked so smart and prepared in Parliament .

Always liked him , think Franking Credits now need 2 stay, until a major shake up of Tax and think he has now gone China Ga Ga .

Howard was steady , but is definitely overrated .

Had a decent team and some tail winds .

Wasted some opportunity to Nation Build but didn't stuff up anything , so gets a good pass from me .

If anyone has the Means to buy property , good on them imho .

Spoke to an Aussie yesterday who said he spent his whole life doing it 1, 2, 3 ....

He worked really hard !

He said he is NOW working on trying to become homeless and is getting a caravan .

Markets , like the US Bond Market , S&P 500 , the Dow and VAX , the BIG Markets , can never be Tamed and IF U are IN them , U have to play by their Rules .

China's Property Market might kill China and is Definitely slowing it down !!!!

The Huge Money does play by these markets rules , mostly .

As that's were their Money is , mostly .

Even Carnegie was torn apart by the market , eventually .

The Big 4 Banks have so much more competition now BUT still dominate the market .

They do a good job and are NOT Trading Banks like Goldman Sachs or Macquarie Bank .

Our Banking System is very Solid !
Great U are getting some quality waves !!!

I got one or 2 today , at a beach on the MP , thats closest 2 u and is not Quarra and has a SLSC ( no flags today ) .

Paddled out with only 4 guys who were mates , not locals .

They always had someone either side of me , so I had 2 give them a severe Pop serve and they were much nicer , really !!??

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 3:20pm

spot on regarding 'markets' adam12

can we expect any different when something like 75% of our political 'leaders' own multiple rental properties?

they'll prop and prime it by any meams possible to keep their little ponzi going...

conflict of interest to the extreme

they're like a cabal of nancy pelosi's enjoying the exploits of their insider trading

time for an inquiry!

loathe the concept and constant trigger happy cries for a royal commision...

but I'm calling it... we need a royal commision!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 4:43pm

I would hope 75% of Politicians own a rental Property , they earn enough money , pay enough Tax , can therefore negatively gear it ( with good LVR's ) and SHOULD buy Property .

Pelosi's Insider Trading was NOT done in Property , it was done in SHARES .

Hello Madam Speaker ,

Jim here and I really admire U and have decided to give U a million bucks as a tax deduction .

Hope 2 meet U , as my company will be coming to Washington , to lobby and try and sign an Important Deal , next month .

It's so easy in the States .

Much easier to buy and sell quickly and anonymously .

The Insider Trading in Property happens here , when Zoning Changes ( that can be dodgy , as we all know ) .

We need Heaps of Inquiries , not one in Oz for Insider Trading by politicians , its' 2 hard here .

We all , if we pay tax , can Negatively Gear , Any Asset .

No asset should be Penalised , then not , then maybe ?

That's crazy stuff and markets hate it .

Property is as Safe as Houses , according to the banks , so has the best LVR ( Lending to Value Ratio ) .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 5:21pm

all that may be well and good popd

however, austalia is no longer the place it used to be...

we have never had tent encampments like other places, and we have never had women with kids living in cars in numbers like now...

10 - 20 years ago, one couldn't even consider this as a possibility

fuck me, even 5 years ago people wouldn't have accepted it...

what happened?

what has changed?

the fact it is not in the media every night shows a callousness that has developed. sure they might give it run every month or so... but it clearly is not a priority...

our politicians are broken, corrupted by the so called 'wealth effect'

but sadly, they are just a reflection of the wider society, most people are so balls deep and terrified we've forgotten what it once meant to be australian...

we've lost it... all for some warped perception of wealth...

the politicians have done exceptionally well, as their wages have detached, and run away, fast, from any pegging they may once had to average income

same for a lot of people, but for those on anything resembling standard wages these developments are obscene

the fact someone can half 5, 10, 20 negtively geared properties, essentially paying no taxes at all ! ...whilst normal workers cannot even afford a messely fucking miserable rental property is criminal

fuck me, the minister for homelessness has 3 rental properties! ...that alone should disqualify that miseable cow for that position...

australia is broken

and 30 years of various grants and incentives means there is nothing 'fundamental' supporting that market

just fear, greed, and gross inequality...

gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 5:30pm

main caveat to all this the same thing is happening across the whole developed world. So I'd be careful about putting it down to anything unique Australia is doing.

What's the common denominator across the board?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 5:44pm

I could tell you gsco mk11, ...but I'd be labelled a conspiracy theorist...

but not to worry... you'll own nothing and be happy...

I jest... maybe...

but maybe that, and....

40 years of steroidal globalisation

15 years of printing money

corona cash

technology, enabling the work from home (anywhere) phenomenon

blackrock and friends changing strategy

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 5:49pm

and farkn 'golden visas'

talk about a great way to reward the mafias and criminals of the world...

and oz is one of few countries dumb enough (desperate enough) to continue with them

our leaders really are the most pathetic of the developed world

'the lucky coutry' indeed

gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 6:06pm

c'mon pop, we all love a conspiracy theory.

Some things I'd put at the top of the list of common denominators:

- 15 yrs of global QE/money printing and low interest rates, including covid (from one thing to the next)

- high immigration including backdoor/shadow entry pathways into developed countries

- less developed world capital flight into safe, stable countries and their assets

- increased participation of women into the workforce and consequently prices adjusting to be dual-income household affordable at the expense of single incomes

- bitcoin and other crypto wealth effect flow-on

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 7:21pm


I have seen Conspiracy Theories turn into reality and think U guys have all that covered .

I would LOVE a Royal Commission into Housing Supply and Demand as , on this subject , we ALL seem to agree , we need 2 start building homes , urgently .

What is happening on the World Stage , I have mentioned before .

Their is a Power Game going on , there always is .

Don't believe what U read or hear from the MSM .

The People are loosing Trust in our Institutions .

In Australia , they can quickly get us on side , again .

In the US , it will take an Outsider , to Crash through and remind the Justice Dept and FBI, 2 name just 2 institutions , that they WORK for the People .

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 7:30pm

"What's the common denominator across the board?"

Globalised neoliberalism and the power it can exert on governments.

gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 8:36pm

ok well I’ve got a conspiracy theory (or not) that I read a couple yrs ago from I can’t remember where. It went something like:

The West’s leaders, big corporations, wealthy elite etc have abandoned it. They see the writing on the wall: postcolonialism and significant anti-West sentiment, the rise of China and the global south, China in bed with Russia and Iran, strong inequality and extreme concentration of wealth, social and political polarisation and division, climate change and other environmental problems, large gov debt and economic instability and mismanagement, people turning on their own societies, handing over of colonial nations back to previous inhabitants, overflowing of ethnic and coloured peoples into their countries via immigration, etc.

The West is finished, in decline, getting taken over, is despised by the whole world and even its own people, has caused most of the world’s problems, and there’s nothing the leaders and elite can do about it to turn things around. The forces working against the West are just too strong. They just have to let go and accept the inevitable.

So the West’s leaders and elite have only one option: just let go and simply worry about themselves. They’ve abandoned their own nations and peoples and are now in pure self interest mode, are allowing their countries and societies to be overrun with ethnic migrants and their peoples to rot in inequality and disadvantage - in homeless slums that we’re seeing pop up everywhere - and are just protecting themselves, covering their own arses, building and protecting their own wealth and assets and fortunes, making their own plans and asset protection strategies in preparation for upcoming global war.

It’s now every man for themselves, with no government there to help, but instead governments and the elite draining everything they can from their own peoples and allowing people and large chunks of society to fall into poverty and homelessness etc while the elite prepare for the upcoming showdown with China, Russia and Iran, which is potentially already happening.

Actually if I remember right Ray Dalio discusses this kind of cycle repeating itself in history continuously over thousands of years: once the elite see the writing on the wall with the decline of their own civilisation then they go into pure self protection and preservation mode and don’t fight the inevitable. Also, this kind of cycle is very well documented in plain sight in Chinese history in the rise and decline of successive Chinese dynasties. What the Chinese emperors did and how much they let their societies fall into decline before being defeated in war by the leaders of the next dynasties are quite epic stories.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 8:38pm
gsco mkII wrote:

main caveat to all this the same thing is happening across the whole developed world. So I'd be careful about putting it down to anything unique Australia is doing.

What's the common denominator across the board?


Even to some extent in other countries like Indonesia

I see the same effect taking hold there that happened here.

This one happening in Indonesia now

"increased participation of women into the workforce and consequently prices adjusting to be dual-income household affordable at the expense of single incomes"

Then i see other factors happening there that happened here.

-Moving way from a cash society (so all income recorded means ability to borrow increases for many)

-A generational change of mindset to property as not just housing but an investment.

- Much more options to being able to borrow, different loans type and structure's etc

-Stricter zoning that affects land supply and more regulation's that affect building cost.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 9:13pm

the question is gsco...

by accident or design?

a bit from column A and a bit from column B...

actually, a lot from each column

curated self loathing is a very powerful tool

plus, 'the plan' has been in place for a long long time...

covid put it all on hold much more than their pet nemesis... orange man...

possibly disrupted the whole apple cart

but moves as big as 'they' have made are difficult to totally reverse

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 9:19pm

Stoked you know Chook, now there's a rolled gold local legend and yep he's still on it like a grom. 74 years young. Such a beautiful surfer, and man. Hell of a footy player too in his day, played for Barwon Heads.The best drop knee stylist going, not too keen on big waves these days but always an absolute pleasure to be in the water with and hang out with. I've painted both his and his brothers houses and both got my absolute rock bottom mates rates, would have probably done Chooka's for free but he never asked so I didn't go as far as offering. He's Nigel Beckham's Vic rep and best mate and I've had a few beautiful mals over the years through him, and the late, great Dave Boyd, another close mate I knew going all the way back to my King St. days. Gone at 49, and left a huge hole around here, never to be filled.

Actually moved on a favorite Beckham twinnie hi perf. mal to @Pops brother up north and he's more a golfer these days so when I see him next might try and snaffle it back. I don't ride them much, only when it's small or suits conditions or surf Grove but as my twilight surfing years approach at rapid speed can see myself on them a bit more so will probably be putting a bigger quivver together and that twinnie you could ride in overhead barrels no problems. carves like a shorty. He makes beautiful surfboards Nigel, and a lovely guy himself.

Anyway, I digress again as usual. I didn't realise you were on this coast, hard to keep track of where everyone here is from, I thought you were in another state for some reason, so that's good news and mate, if I wasn't such a pussy about air travel and especially that sketchy trip to that island I'd be harassing you to hitch a ride. That place with that insane stretch that likes the SW wind has been on my bucket list since forever, I even came close to buying land there about 20 years back, ocean view block for just over $20k, was seriously considering living there for good. A mate of mine from Lonny has a house there and was always on me to go, but like I said, I have a serious aversion to small (and big, but I can do them) aircraft. Had a few harrowing experiences and just can't see myself ever getting in one ever again, wish there was a ferry over there. Your brother is one lucky guy living there, other than the cold, that place is paradise I reckon, got it all and some for what I want.

Anyway the cat story.
So a few days after I buried my dog, the cat comes and sits on me for a cuddle, and when she gets up I've got fleas jumping off me. So I think fuck that, go into my store of flea liquid pistules, quickly grab one and drench the cats neck in it, not really thinking. Couple of hours later I think, mmm, wonder if it was cat or dog stuff I gave it, vaguely remembering you aren't supposed to give a cat a dog one. Fish it out of the bin and sure enough it's a medium dog one. So I google what if, and up it comes, warning, highly toxic to cats, will kill them. Fuck! So I google what do you do and it says a warm bath and scrub with detergent and straight to the vet. So I grab the cat and she's never been immersed in water in her life, she reverts back to feral on me and the wrestling match in my bathroom was like the WWF with sharp claws, teeth and slippery water. Scratched the fuck out of me, bit me, I'm fkn bleeding all over the place. Get her scrubbed and take her out the front to dry her off and she bites me again, gets loose and fucks off under the house.

So I'm on my guts in the dirt for an hour with the torch trying to coax her out. Finally get hold of her, but it's after 8pm by now, only vet open is Geelong Animal Hospital and I've been down that very expensive road before, they make normal vets look cheap if that's possible. So into the car and up there and it's over $300, might have been more, for the Vet to just look at her for about five minutes and tell me they want to keep it in for observation overnight, the symptoms take a while to show and that's gonna be a grand or near enough. I'm looking at this cat thinking might be better for both of us if she just gets the green dream now, but told him nah, I'll take her home and if she does start convulsing or drooling or looking seedy I'll come back. The cat looked fine btw. So back home, another nightmare car trip and more scratches because I didn't have time to put the cage up in my wagon and didn't grab the pet carry cage when I left and she hates car travel as much as she hates a bath. and she's pinging around the car interior and jumping on my head with her claws out. A fkn mission that was.

So I'm up all night watching this cat sleeping like a baby, she seems fine, she had eaten, thought no worries, got it in time. Went to bed at dawn, got up about 9 or 10 and she's on the couch with drool on her chin and now looking seedy. Fuck, race to the local Vet, push in their other bookings and it's another $400, they gave her a shot of something, dunno what it was, but whatever it is it's the most expensive few mils money can buy. Liquid gold. Cat came good pretty much in an hour or so.
So I nearly killed both my pets in the same week, but did learn an expensive lesson I actually already knew but had forgotten, my brother reminded me that my Mum had done the same thing once so he knew, but I think I must have been away at that time because I sort of didn't.
Sometimes, rarely, I regret never having kids but it's probably a good thing I didn't. They are way more expensive and prone to injury and I'm not up for that kind of responsibility, obviously. their father would have been an idiot.

So that's the pussy story, got a few others I could tell but those are mostly X rated and best told in private, hope it was worth a read. Another long irrelevant to the topic post from me. Seems that's what I tend to bring to these pages. Oh, well. chat again soon. Hope that stretch on that Island turns on if you go, forecast looks good.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 9:16pm

"increased participation of women into the workforce and consequently prices adjusting to be dual-income household affordable at the expense of single incomes"

feminism really has turned into a bit of a scam

there's no denying the real advances that were made, however the tendency for 'markets' to self 'correct' has got to be questioned...

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 9:28pm

More income tax too Syp. So the corpo’s can get a bit of welfare.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 9:48pm

further to what indod says...

bali is a little microcosm of all what is mentioned above, but a touch of australia and current sentiment on steroids...

while we've sold our souls to chinese mafia, and basically anyone who wants to buy citizenship

bali is being bought up at an alarming rate by all sorts of misfits, criminals, and now the price is high... legit. investors...

(including ozzies)

like australia, locals can barely afford to live on their own island, and resentment to outsiders, and especially bules living there, is running high. lots of talk about don't sell your land etc. getting around

it's a bit tragic actually, when you consider areas like canggu, seminyak, ulu etc. are now running at oz prices, but wages are nowhere near it...

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024 at 9:50pm

I love a good cat story.

I really dig cats.

And dogs of course.

Edit: Some good commentin' going on gents. Lot of food for thought. Lot to digest.

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 8:21am

Cats are good. Until they bite you. Got bitten by mine trying to shove a tablet down it's throat. 5 Days later ended up in hospital and almost lost my thumb. Our relationship suffered a bit after that!!!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 9:15am

I wonder if pinky found a good home .


AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 9:35am
adam12 wrote:

Stoked you know Chook, now there's a rolled gold local legend and yep he's still on it like a grom. 74 years young. Such a beautiful surfer, and man. Hell of a footy player too in his day, played for Barwon Heads.The best drop knee stylist going, not too keen on big waves these days but always an absolute pleasure to be in the water with and hang out with. I've painted both his and his brothers houses and both got my absolute rock bottom mates rates, would have probably done Chooka's for free but he never asked so I didn't go as far as offering. He's Nigel Beckham's Vic rep and best mate and I've had a few beautiful mals over the years through him, and the late, great Dave Boyd, another close mate I knew going all the way back to my King St. days. Gone at 49, and left a huge hole around here, never to be filled.

Actually moved on a favorite Beckham twinnie hi perf. mal to @Pops brother up north and he's more a golfer these days so when I see him next might try and snaffle it back. I don't ride them much, only when it's small or suits conditions or surf Grove but as my twilight surfing years approach at rapid speed can see myself on them a bit more so will probably be putting a bigger quivver together and that twinnie you could ride in overhead barrels no problems. carves like a shorty. He makes beautiful surfboards Nigel, and a lovely guy himself.

Anyway, I digress again as usual. I didn't realise you were on this coast, hard to keep track of where everyone here is from, I thought you were in another state for some reason, so that's good news and mate, if I wasn't such a pussy about air travel and especially that sketchy trip to that island I'd be harassing you to hitch a ride. That place with that insane stretch that likes the SW wind has been on my bucket list since forever, I even came close to buying land there about 20 years back, ocean view block for just over $20k, was seriously considering living there for good. A mate of mine from Lonny has a house there and was always on me to go, but like I said, I have a serious aversion to small (and big, but I can do them) aircraft. Had a few harrowing experiences and just can't see myself ever getting in one ever again, wish there was a ferry over there. Your brother is one lucky guy living there, other than the cold, that place is paradise I reckon, got it all and some for what I want.

Anyway the cat story.
So a few days after I buried my dog, the cat comes and sits on me for a cuddle, and when she gets up I've got fleas jumping off me. So I think fuck that, go into my store of flea liquid pistules, quickly grab one and drench the cats neck in it, not really thinking. Couple of hours later I think, mmm, wonder if it was cat or dog stuff I gave it, vaguely remembering you aren't supposed to give a cat a dog one. Fish it out of the bin and sure enough it's a medium dog one. So I google what if, and up it comes, warning, highly toxic to cats, will kill them. Fuck! So I google what do you do and it says a warm bath and scrub with detergent and straight to the vet. So I grab the cat and she's never been immersed in water in her life, she reverts back to feral on me and the wrestling match in my bathroom was like the WWF with sharp claws, teeth and slippery water. Scratched the fuck out of me, bit me, I'm fkn bleeding all over the place. Get her scrubbed and take her out the front to dry her off and she bites me again, gets loose and fucks off under the house.

So I'm on my guts in the dirt for an hour with the torch trying to coax her out. Finally get hold of her, but it's after 8pm by now, only vet open is Geelong Animal Hospital and I've been down that very expensive road before, they make normal vets look cheap if that's possible. So into the car and up there and it's over $300, might have been more, for the Vet to just look at her for about five minutes and tell me they want to keep it in for observation overnight, the symptoms take a while to show and that's gonna be a grand or near enough. I'm looking at this cat thinking might be better for both of us if she just gets the green dream now, but told him nah, I'll take her home and if she does start convulsing or drooling or looking seedy I'll come back. The cat looked fine btw. So back home, another nightmare car trip and more scratches because I didn't have time to put the cage up in my wagon and didn't grab the pet carry cage when I left and she hates car travel as much as she hates a bath. and she's pinging around the car interior and jumping on my head with her claws out. A fkn mission that was.

So I'm up all night watching this cat sleeping like a baby, she seems fine, she had eaten, thought no worries, got it in time. Went to bed at dawn, got up about 9 or 10 and she's on the couch with drool on her chin and now looking seedy. Fuck, race to the local Vet, push in their other bookings and it's another $400, they gave her a shot of something, dunno what it was, but whatever it is it's the most expensive few mils money can buy. Liquid gold. Cat came good pretty much in an hour or so.
So I nearly killed both my pets in the same week, but did learn an expensive lesson I actually already knew but had forgotten, my brother reminded me that my Mum had done the same thing once so he knew, but I think I must have been away at that time because I sort of didn't.
Sometimes, rarely, I regret never having kids but it's probably a good thing I didn't. They are way more expensive and prone to injury and I'm not up for that kind of responsibility, obviously. their father would have been an idiot.

So that's the pussy story, got a few others I could tell but those are mostly X rated and best told in private, hope it was worth a read. Another long irrelevant to the topic post from me. Seems that's what I tend to bring to these pages. Oh, well. chat again soon. Hope that stretch on that Island turns on if you go, forecast looks good.

Adam12. Hi mate. I hope you’ve taken a breath after than epic bit of story telling.

Geelong Animal Hospital, fucking rip off merchants full stop.
I had a full on barney with them July last year. I was doing a carpentry job at a friends place, my dog was lying in the sun and I noticed a small amount of blood on is undercarriage, a small 10mm straight gash in open skin.
It definitely needed a stitch, I live rurally and the dog must have cut himself on one of our fences earlier that morning.
I rock up,, they take him behind closed doors for a quote(like a bloody car can you believe), 20 mins passes, I’m wondering what’s going on, the lady comes out with two pieces of paper, I nearly died of a heart attack, 2 separate quotes, fully manipulated so I’d go for the lesser one.

First quote for repair on the day $580, second quote $1180 for antiseptic, stitch and an overnight observational cage. I said you’re joking.
I remarked to her, he’s not on deaths door , she smirked at me I could’ve slapped her.
I was tired and hungry, next thing my alter ego takes over, it was on, she was giving as good as I gave her, explaining I’d previously stitched animals on our property and then cited an example when I stitched my own ankle after a fin chop at a succulent beach in South Oz in 1984, I said it’s not rocket science you know.
At the end of the day it’s all about one thing, the prevention of infection.

See I’ve already digressed from your cat story.

You remarked you’d have a story for us and you delivered.
We all thoroughly enjoyed it, well I did at least.

Welcome to my club, “The Worlds Great Digressers”
It’s got a lot of members in my circle, especially another birding,plant mate of mine, we will spot a skink in his garden, three hours later we are discussing all the Galileo moons of Jupiter, hey, it’s always fun, delving into the memory bank

Conditions of entry to The Worlds Great Digressers Club.

Must be able to write or talk underwater with a mouth full of peanuts
Brain must be capable of rapidly moving or changing topics at the speed of light
Must be brilliant at butting in or interrupting others
Must hold expertise in talking right over the top of others whilst they are conversing.
Also, highlight skills at looking away from the other person whilst talking and exhibiting body language which comes across as not fucking interested one iota of what they are saying.

Great to hear you get wet occasionally, it’s the best, as you’d already know.
I’ve no problem with flying, albeit I’m not a fan of small 6-8 seater planes, I always find the current weather knocks them around a lot, especially in Northerlies like today. One journey to the island a few years ago, I thought the plane was going to do a backflip as we took off into a howling NE breeze at Moorabin.

I love ex Richmond football player Kevin Bartletts take on planes ( he’s also shit scared of small planes)
He once remarked, ‘if you can’t push a food and drinks trolley down the centre aisle, well I just don’t fly on that craft’.

Adam, what I’ve come to know about you is you are a very intelligent person, you wear your heart on your sleeve, but coupled with that and after reading your aforementioned cat story, you’re an animal lover, like myself, through and through, I detest poor behaviour to animals (especially when we know they can’t hit you back or shoot you ) and that goes fucking long way with me.

I think you need a break from where you live.
Now, I’ll come and grab you in Autumn, I think I know where you live, we will go to Tullamarine and go and enjoy that island for a weekend, surf a beautiful part of that place in easy waves to get to and surf, eat the food wonders and then I’ll take you birding and botanising all over the place.

That island has some Tasmania endemics, I’ve seen them , but would love to show you, Yellow Wattlebids, Yellow-throated Honeyeaters and so on.

Stay well, keep up the written/oral fineness .AW

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 10:55am
adam12 wrote:

Stoked you know Chook, now there's a rolled gold local legend and yep he's still on it like a grom. 74 years young. Such a beautiful surfer, and man. Hell of a footy player too in his day, played for Barwon Heads.The best drop knee stylist going, not too keen on big waves these days but always an absolute pleasure to be in the water with and hang out with. I've painted both his and his brothers houses and both got my absolute rock bottom mates rates, would have probably done Chooka's for free but he never asked so I didn't go as far as offering. He's Nigel Beckham's Vic rep and best mate and I've had a few beautiful mals over the years through him, and the late, great Dave Boyd, another close mate I knew going all the way back to my King St. days. Gone at 49, and left a huge hole around here, never to be filled.

Actually moved on a favorite Beckham twinnie hi perf. mal to @Pops brother up north and he's more a golfer these days so when I see him next might try and snaffle it back. I don't ride them much, only when it's small or suits conditions or surf Grove but as my twilight surfing years approach at rapid speed can see myself on them a bit more so will probably be putting a bigger quivver together and that twinnie you could ride in overhead barrels no problems. carves like a shorty. He makes beautiful surfboards Nigel, and a lovely guy himself.

Anyway, I digress again as usual. I didn't realise you were on this coast, hard to keep track of where everyone here is from, I thought you were in another state for some reason, so that's good news and mate, if I wasn't such a pussy about air travel and especially that sketchy trip to that island I'd be harassing you to hitch a ride. That place with that insane stretch that likes the SW wind has been on my bucket list since forever, I even came close to buying land there about 20 years back, ocean view block for just over $20k, was seriously considering living there for good. A mate of mine from Lonny has a house there and was always on me to go, but like I said, I have a serious aversion to small (and big, but I can do them) aircraft. Had a few harrowing experiences and just can't see myself ever getting in one ever again, wish there was a ferry over there. Your brother is one lucky guy living there, other than the cold, that place is paradise I reckon, got it all and some for what I want.

Anyway the cat story.
So a few days after I buried my dog, the cat comes and sits on me for a cuddle, and when she gets up I've got fleas jumping off me. So I think fuck that, go into my store of flea liquid pistules, quickly grab one and drench the cats neck in it, not really thinking. Couple of hours later I think, mmm, wonder if it was cat or dog stuff I gave it, vaguely remembering you aren't supposed to give a cat a dog one. Fish it out of the bin and sure enough it's a medium dog one. So I google what if, and up it comes, warning, highly toxic to cats, will kill them. Fuck! So I google what do you do and it says a warm bath and scrub with detergent and straight to the vet. So I grab the cat and she's never been immersed in water in her life, she reverts back to feral on me and the wrestling match in my bathroom was like the WWF with sharp claws, teeth and slippery water. Scratched the fuck out of me, bit me, I'm fkn bleeding all over the place. Get her scrubbed and take her out the front to dry her off and she bites me again, gets loose and fucks off under the house.

So I'm on my guts in the dirt for an hour with the torch trying to coax her out. Finally get hold of her, but it's after 8pm by now, only vet open is Geelong Animal Hospital and I've been down that very expensive road before, they make normal vets look cheap if that's possible. So into the car and up there and it's over $300, might have been more, for the Vet to just look at her for about five minutes and tell me they want to keep it in for observation overnight, the symptoms take a while to show and that's gonna be a grand or near enough. I'm looking at this cat thinking might be better for both of us if she just gets the green dream now, but told him nah, I'll take her home and if she does start convulsing or drooling or looking seedy I'll come back. The cat looked fine btw. So back home, another nightmare car trip and more scratches because I didn't have time to put the cage up in my wagon and didn't grab the pet carry cage when I left and she hates car travel as much as she hates a bath. and she's pinging around the car interior and jumping on my head with her claws out. A fkn mission that was.

So I'm up all night watching this cat sleeping like a baby, she seems fine, she had eaten, thought no worries, got it in time. Went to bed at dawn, got up about 9 or 10 and she's on the couch with drool on her chin and now looking seedy. Fuck, race to the local Vet, push in their other bookings and it's another $400, they gave her a shot of something, dunno what it was, but whatever it is it's the most expensive few mils money can buy. Liquid gold. Cat came good pretty much in an hour or so.
So I nearly killed both my pets in the same week, but did learn an expensive lesson I actually already knew but had forgotten, my brother reminded me that my Mum had done the same thing once so he knew, but I think I must have been away at that time because I sort of didn't.
Sometimes, rarely, I regret never having kids but it's probably a good thing I didn't. They are way more expensive and prone to injury and I'm not up for that kind of responsibility, obviously. their father would have been an idiot.

So that's the pussy story, got a few others I could tell but those are mostly X rated and best told in private, hope it was worth a read. Another long irrelevant to the topic post from me. Seems that's what I tend to bring to these pages. Oh, well. chat again soon. Hope that stretch on that Island turns on if you go, forecast looks good.

Well you could look at it this way Adam, if you'd ever had kids and fucked up and put that flea shit on the back of their necks, at least they most likely wouldn't have jumped on your head and tried to scratch Christ out of you.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 11:23am


Adam 12 has always had a soft soft for Pussies and most of them are like Pinky ( especially the rude girlfriend ) and inflict Bodily harm , on Adam .

Bruised and bleeding from most encounters .

He seems to like it , attracts pussies easily and always seems to have one nearby .

Not me , no way , Cat's freak me out and give me a dose of K9 , any day !

There were No shrinking violets in our group , as Young kids .

Adam 12 studied with all the Law Cats ( think puss. ) .

Was always trying 2 explain the rules lol of stuff .

Then he would break them , as we all did , naturally .

Simple days at Uni and living still @ home , getting really well fed .

One guy in the group was always very noisy , we all played 2nd fiddle 2 The Greek lo .

You would hear him , before seeing him ( the smallest of the group ) .

Still a Force of Nature .

Adam 12 was probably , the next noisey one , when he wasn't talking 2 Cats .

We were from Mullum and still country boys , then .

City people are noisier imho !

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 3:57pm

Haha, some good laughs in there boys, thanks for that.
@AW, sounds like a date, but I warn you now, you'll either be holding my sweating hand while I'm panicking the whole way over or maybe hit me up with Rohypnol at the airport and carry me onboard and wake me up when we get there.
My first (nightmare) plane trip was when I was about 12 or 13, I was a pretty handy little cricketer in those days and got picked in a schoolboy rep. team to go to Canberra for a schoolboy tournament. Focker Freindship, hit clear air turbulence and dropped out of the sky, mayhem on board, I luckily for some reason was still wearing my seat belt but watched most of my teammates and the coaches rise up to roof level and drop, bang! I had never heard of clear air turbulence, had no idea what the fuck was happening and just instantly thought we were all gonna die. There was blood and injuries and wailing all around me, so the plane stabilises and the pilot came on the PA and starts talking and then bang! hits more and up they all go in the air again and more mayhem. I'm still in my seat but the most rattled I've ever been in my life, think I was crying for my mummy to come save me by then. The pilot comes on again and the cabin crew, some of them injured themselves, eventually explain to us what had happened but it went in one ear and out the other, every one was screaming and crying. I just wanted to get back on land and never get on a plane again. Fleet of ambulances met us at the airport, a few had head gashes and a couple of broken bones I think. Never played a game of cricket up there, half the team went to the the hospital, and they bused us back home a few days later.
I was still shaking like a leaf when I got off the plane and literally couldn't walk. Rang my Mum and told her to come and get me, that I wasn't going to fly home after that but pretty quickly they told us we would be going back by bus. So I was a no go as far as air travel for a long time.
Fast forward about thirty or so years, I'd been on plenty of commercial flights no worries, and I'm with a girl who talks me into taking a joy flight she'd got as a gift. Single engine Cessna, all good until the engine shit itself not long after we get up there, crankshaft failure. boom, prop stops and it's all come back to me in an instant and I'm that 13 year old boy crying for his mummy again. The pilots on the radio going "Pan Pan Pan" then "mayday, mayday, mayday" and telling me to shut up because I'm screaming "Are we going to crash, what's happening?" again, had no idea a small plane could glide without power, which is what happened and we returned to the airport pretty safely and smoothly, but again once my feet hit the ground I felt like I was going to fall over, could barely walk.
So that was it for me and anything smaller than a fucking big jet, which I'm still terrible at traveling in and usually just sit there reliving my paranoia. And the last time I flew back from visiting @Pops brother up in New Brighton had a sketchy flight then, flew into a cold front after a stinking hot day in Melbourne, white out conditions, watching the fuselage twisting and warping and the plane was shaking so much at one point I thought we were landing about twenty minutes before we actually did.
So I'm up for that island, sounds so good, but if it happens don't hold me responsible for my out of character petrified child like behavior on the plane trip.
And yes I absolutely adore animals, birds, reptiles, every kind, even have trouble putting out ratsak for the odd mouse invasion I get here, don't like it at all and usually give them a decent burial, apologise to them, when I find them dead. I can also go to great lengths when I'm painting a house to relocate any spider I come across, has got a few laughs on job sites that one. Bit of a soft spot there. But for sure AW, look me up and hook me up, but after Easter, calendar's a bit full till then.

@Andy M, true that, but I've had the odd girlfriend back in the day that used to like to "jump" on my head, or some that would belt my head and plenty of scratches, some from amorous encounters, some from extreme displeasure at my behavior. Had one once who would crack the shits about something I'd said or done, say nothing, and wait until I was lying asleep or half asleep in bed next to her and fkn back fist me in the dark, in the face. she had a habit of it. Be lying there and next minute, bang, seeing stars. Drove me crazy. Probably deserved it though.

@Pop, I seem to remember, and I think you have a brother who would back me up on this, that it was actually a certain person who goes by the pseudonym @Pop here, who was the one who liked setting rules, usually favoring himself, back in those days, that we all used to like to ignore, and in fact now that I think about it, it was probably more your diminutive but incredibly formidable Dutch mother who set the rules for you. Rules like you are not allowed to grow ganja on her roof top, which I vaguely remember you tried to ignore leading to a stand off I remember witnessing when she threatened to rip them all out and you and the bro retorted with something about her finding all her own carefully cultivated garden plants in a pile herself. But maybe I dreamed that. Funny how recollections can differ over time. I recall how handsome I used to be back then sometimes which is hard for me to believe myself these days when I look in a mirror.
I'm going now for a nanna nap. I talk way too much shit on these threads. This one is supposed to be about house prices and I'm a renter these days so don't know WTF I'm even doing here anyway.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 4:17pm

Lol Your recollection of things are scratched and clawed , from all the Cat naps and pussy adventures , Adam 12 , probably .

My brother enjoyed my coat tails and I was the ONE to try and Deal with my mother .

He never said one fn thing lol .

My mum did finally realise the 2 plants we were growing , were dope plants and pulled them out , 2 our horror ( a friend of hers said they don't look like tomatoes U boys are growing ) .

So we grew 20 plus , up on the Bathroom roof and watered them through my brothers 2nd floor bedroom window .

A great and ONLY ,crop , which U obviously , really enjoyed too much , and have fn forgotten about , from smoking too much of it .

Adam Madness we called it , I think .

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 5:15pm
adam12 wrote:

Haha, some good laughs in there boys, thanks for that.
@AW, sounds like a date, but I warn you now, you'll either be holding my sweating hand while I'm panicking the whole way over or maybe hit me up with Rohypnol at the airport and carry me onboard and wake me up when we get there.
My first (nightmare) plane trip was when I was about 12 or 13, I was a pretty handy little cricketer in those days and got picked in a schoolboy rep. team to go to Canberra for a schoolboy tournament. Focker Freindship, hit clear air turbulence and dropped out of the sky, mayhem on board, I luckily for some reason was still wearing my seat belt but watched most of my teammates and the coaches rise up to roof level and drop, bang! I had never heard of clear air turbulence, had no idea what the fuck was happening and just instantly thought we were all gonna die. There was blood and injuries and wailing all around me, so the plane stabilises and the pilot came on the PA and starts talking and then bang! hits more and up they all go in the air again and more mayhem. I'm still in my seat but the most rattled I've ever been in my life, think I was crying for my mummy to come save me by then. The pilot comes on again and the cabin crew, some of them injured themselves, eventually explain to us what had happened but it went in one ear and out the other, every one was screaming and crying. I just wanted to get back on land and never get on a plane again. Fleet of ambulances met us at the airport, a few had head gashes and a couple of broken bones I think. Never played a game of cricket up there, half the team went to the the hospital, and they bused us back home a few days later.
I was still shaking like a leaf when I got off the plane and literally couldn't walk. Rang my Mum and told her to come and get me, that I wasn't going to fly home after that but pretty quickly they told us we would be going back by bus. So I was a no go as far as air travel for a long time.
Fast forward about thirty or so years, I'd been on plenty of commercial flights no worries, and I'm with a girl who talks me into taking a joy flight she'd got as a gift. Single engine Cessna, all good until the engine shit itself not long after we get up there, crankshaft failure. boom, prop stops and it's all come back to me in an instant and I'm that 13 year old boy crying for his mummy again. The pilots on the radio going "Pan Pan Pan" then "mayday, mayday, mayday" and telling me to shut up because I'm screaming "Are we going to crash, what's happening?" again, had no idea a small plane could glide without power, which is what happened and we returned to the airport pretty safely and smoothly, but again once my feet hit the ground I felt like I was going to fall over, could barely walk.
So that was it for me and anything smaller than a fucking big jet, which I'm still terrible at traveling in and usually just sit there reliving my paranoia. And the last time I flew back from visiting @Pops brother up in New Brighton had a sketchy flight then, flew into a cold front after a stinking hot day in Melbourne, white out conditions, watching the fuselage twisting and warping and the plane was shaking so much at one point I thought we were landing about twenty minutes before we actually did.
So I'm up for that island, sounds so good, but if it happens don't hold me responsible for my out of character petrified child like behavior on the plane trip.
And yes I absolutely adore animals, birds, reptiles, every kind, even have trouble putting out ratsak for the odd mouse invasion I get here, don't like it at all and usually give them a decent burial, apologise to them, when I find them dead. I can also go to great lengths when I'm painting a house to relocate any spider I come across, has got a few laughs on job sites that one. Bit of a soft spot there. But for sure AW, look me up and hook me up, but after Easter, calendar's a bit full till then.

@Andy M, true that, but I've had the odd girlfriend back in the day that used to like to "jump" on my head, or some that would belt my head and plenty of scratches, some from amorous encounters, some from extreme displeasure at my behavior. Had one once who would crack the shits about something I'd said or done, say nothing, and wait until I was lying asleep or half asleep in bed next to her and fkn back fist me in the dark, in the face. she had a habit of it. Be lying there and next minute, bang, seeing stars. Drove me crazy. Probably deserved it though.

@Pop, I seem to remember, and I think you have a brother who would back me up on this, that it was actually a certain person who goes by the pseudonym @Pop here, who was the one who liked setting rules, usually favoring himself, back in those days, that we all used to like to ignore, and in fact now that I think about it, it was probably more your diminutive but incredibly formidable Dutch mother who set the rules for you. Rules like you are not allowed to grow ganja on her roof top, which I vaguely remember you tried to ignore leading to a stand off I remember witnessing when she threatened to rip them all out and you and the bro retorted with something about her finding all her own carefully cultivated garden plants in a pile herself. But maybe I dreamed that. Funny how recollections can differ over time. I recall how handsome I used to be back then sometimes which is hard for me to believe myself these days when I look in a mirror.
I'm going now for a nanna nap. I talk way too much shit on these threads. This one is supposed to be about house prices and I'm a renter these days so don't know WTF I'm even doing here anyway.

Adam12. You’ll be sucking the teet of the Rex Airlines bosom, a 30 seater Volvo all the way, full of lactose aviation fuel.

In a blink you’ll arrive like a baby waking from its arvo sleep.AW

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 5:43pm

^ maybe a king island weekend together as a test run?
(if you take a really deep breath it's a one-scream trip)

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 6:54pm
basesix wrote:

^ maybe a king island weekend together as a test run?
(if you take a really deep breath it's a one-scream trip)

Basesix. Hi mate. You’d be most welcome to make that trip to KI. AW

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 7:03pm

^ sold! (as long as you come to our KI one day soon)

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 7:57pm
basesix wrote:

^ sold! (as long as you come to our KI one day soon)

Basesix. Have been previously, but definitely happy to go again. AW

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 22 Feb 2024 at 8:26pm

have you been back since the fires AW?
(I seem to recall from prev posts, you have)