
Trisso4's picture
Trisso4 started the topic in Saturday, 9 Nov 2013 at 7:26pm

I've been road tripping around Australia seeking some good surf spots at lesser known places. I've come across some really great waves with no crowds, but my experience has been tarnished by a handful of territorial locals who seem to have a different set of rules for visiting surfers or just don't like us there at all. My experiences have been encountered in surf spots with plenty of good waves and very few riders out.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the type to show up at a surf spot and act like I own the place and disrespect general etiquette. But there seems to be an attitude from some locals that it's 'their wave' and locals get first preference of any wave and visitors just get the scraps.

To put things in perspective, if a group of tourist are passing through a town and queuing up to buy things at the local store, does a local have the right to push in line and get served ahead of the tourists? Disrespectful visitors/tourists is one thing, but it can also go hand in hand with local a-holes who think they own a public area of recreation.

morris's picture
morris's picture
morris Sunday, 29 Dec 2013 at 2:17pm

".sure enough I put my name on a wave and paddled hard, knowing that there was a guy already paddling and in position,"
You sound like a pain in the arse to surf with, I f it's the blokes wave, why should he have to put up with you skulking around the shoulder trying to bluff him out of it or pressure him to blow it, why not let the poor bloke take the wave that he's been waiting for and you slip into position for the next one. Hopefully your the only over hyped dickhead out there so you don't have to deal with a mirror image of yourself.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Sunday, 29 Dec 2013 at 2:43pm

I kind of agree Shaun.

If you've been waiting or got a nice little rotation happening it's highly annoying when a set comes through with your name on it and you get shoulder hopping paddlers that think they're going to pressure you into blowing it or push water over the face and then pull back.

The absolute worst though I reckon is the fella that paddles out straight to the inside and takes the first wave that comes their way. Local or not, that shits me.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 29 Dec 2013 at 3:28pm

Shaun here zen not Morris, you blokes always get confused, we don't even look alike, we used to but I've had my hair done differently.
Zen Melbourne , Torquay are some of the worst hasslers in the world, logic flies out the window whenever a group of these morons paddle out, having said that they are not all like that, just the majority of them.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Sunday, 29 Dec 2013 at 5:31pm

Hey Morris, please don't get me wrong ; I wasn't trying to make the guy fuck-up nor was I trying to snowball him, I was just being prepared incase he did stuff up. From my experiences, you have to earn your right in a line up, and if someone is always taking off deep and never making the drops then its frustrating for other surfers - no one want's to see great waves go through unridden...

Point noted though - Torquay can get really hassley

The point I am trying to make here, is that in this day and age, with everyman and his dog wanting to get in on the action the idea of the Zen-mellow surfer is dead. You want to get a wave, work hard for it!

No need to hate bro

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 29 Dec 2013 at 5:55pm

"No need to hate bro"

I think I'm going to throw up.

niggly's picture
niggly's picture
niggly Sunday, 29 Dec 2013 at 9:37pm

sorry oc' it is frustrating as fuck trying to surf when there are a bunch of morons paddling frantically on the shoulder for every wave. Zen and shuorris are spot on. And the idea of the zen mellow surfer is dead? mate please stay torquay with that mentality. i feel sorry for the crew trying to get some fun waves if thats how it flows down there.

hem-stret's picture
hem-stret's picture
hem-stret Sunday, 29 Dec 2013 at 9:50pm

two issues with the shoulder paddler. one is, at waves like south straddie where it barrels pretty quickly, the clowns push the lip down and it shuts the section down early, resulting in a blown wave and the clown probably going over the falls. two, it means you have the clowns paddling out really close to the peak, and if its a down the line wave and you jag one, any turns on the face or attempts for a decent manouevre are cut short by flotsam and jetsam in the way. localism done well sorts out over eager grommets and learners, and g-string betties that try and bring equity and diversity to the zone but cant trim. then there is a pecking order if there arent locals, ie, 1.shortboarders,2. kneelos, 3.logs,4. goat boats then scraping the barrel in equal last are the SUP and toast plague. if you cant really surf dont try and take the wave of the day, thats you brazzos! patience and respect go both ways, but a good thick ear or bollocking can save lives if delivered in a timely manner. dont need to go all MMA or abusing peoples wives and girlfriends. healthy self analysis can save tears, but would that be asking too much of the newfound watermen and women?

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Sunday, 29 Dec 2013 at 10:11pm

I like others are all for the " rotation " scenario . but some waves / places its just impossibke with people of all levels in teh water at once , and perhaps different types of waves hitting the one reef .....
when i think I've scoped someone in the lineup ( ie actually studied them , and if i think they are too deep , then yeah sure I'll make sure they get it ( shoulder hop ) . But in saying this , there are some waves that i would never bother , and at all times i would concentrate on my board breaking the surface cleanly and not snowballing them ( its fine act to master ) ...
and how many of you guys would call someone to " bak 'em up " down the line if you think your gonna be borderline getting into it . and if need be calling them to go if you can't .... ?!

morris's picture
morris's picture
morris Sunday, 29 Dec 2013 at 10:30pm

I don't agree with oc so I hate apparently. I strongly agree with with niggly , hem - stret and southy, so I love you bro's.
Yes Southy, I would!!

Now excuse me while I puke, bro's.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 8:17am

I agree totally with what hem st and southey are on about and thats totally where its at in regards to this topic. Every wave and set up is different and every region and place has a different order of the day. You other dicks can rag on me all you want but I don't really care; I am against localism, I believe in having fun and communicating with others out in the water, but working fucking hard to get your own slice - I don't drop in or snake other surfers EVER - you weak bastards are just trying to pick little parts out of my story to make me look like a bad guy! Maybe you'd be better sharing some of your own stories - then we can all get a better picture of how holy and do-goodie you are morris?

I surfed in Indo this year and found the crowds to be heavier than Vicco but the general vibe in the water pretty chilled because everyone is on holiday and relaxed.

The worst localism I have experienced is at Narrabean Point and The Pass....

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 8:24am

It all depends on where you are or crowd numbers in regard to edict.

If theres only a few guys out, theres is no excuse for going for waves guys a going for that are deeper and you should stay way out of the way of others paddle wide etc and keep a mellow head.

If your surfing somewhere like the Goldie or any crowded lineup, dropping in and blatant snaking is still a no no, but you have to be more competitive push people deeper and paddle for waves others are paddling for that are deeper, just incase there to deep or miss the wave or fall, if you don't you will sadly never get a wave, because really there is often not enough waves to go around.

Knowing when and how to behave in the water is no different to any other environment, you take your surroundings and people into consideration and act accordingly.

OLD MATE's picture
OLD MATE's picture
OLD MATE Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 9:12am

I can understand localism if the visiting surfers act like wankers but if they are friendly, don't bring 2 carloads of kooks, don't drop in, don't paddle for every wave and generally be a surf hero, say hello wait your turn and give some respect then you get a chance to get some respect back. If it is a good surf spot I can understand too but when its an average surf spot like kings head and you get hero's writing shit on ur car while your walking there to go surf, even though you been surfing there longer than these tough guys and when u see them and turn back they jump in their car and drive off like little girls. Hope ur reading this faggots... Trying to be tough locals then run with their tails between their legs, localism at kings head what a phuckun joke... What are you wankers trying to prove?

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 9:16am

Locals at Kings Head? That's hilarious.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 11:01am

Furthermore to Zen, Shaun and Morris if you ignorant jellyfish brains had half the intelligence to identify the narrative of my story, you will realise that the point I was making is that I was feeling a conscience for my actions, and I was questioning wether my behaviour was akin to localism. Showing that I was only behaving in the way that had been paved out before me.. I can recall countless number of times when i've been taking off deep and had a whole party of dudes paddling on the shoulder, when half the time they drop in and your left to call them off, hoping that they'll remember your face and know not to do it again because they've realised your not a kook and you know what your doing...... But anyway, in the instance that I described the guy who got the wave didn't batter an eye-lid or even give a shit, I spoke to him afterwards and he was chill. It was more about my mates perception of me, and me realising that I'd just succumbed to what was around me- competitive and hassley line up's where surfers follow the etiquette code, but fight and hussle to get what they wan't, because the alternative is being the timid guy sitting in the channel being everyones best mate but not getting a single wave... Being a cunt to everyone to get all the waves is neither the way to go but it seems that we need to have a healthy balance somewhere in between

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 11:13am

"identify the narrative of my story ...?"

Amasing. I've stumbled by mistake into the Arts Section of the Port Lincoln Times.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 11:16am

Jellyfish brains...? haha

There there Oc, it's alright you'll be local one day.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 11:59am

Ha ha, yeah its all I really want, is it too much to ask for? c'mon!!!

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 12:01pm

Hey bro, that's you oc bro. You asked a question and people answered it with an opinion, sorry we all gave the wrong answer, but as the bloke who you went surfing with pointed out, your a kook.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 12:04pm

Why NOT bring an artsy touch to these forums... bit more constructive than "Stay in torquay with that mentallity!!!"

Truth is ; You meet nice guys and fuck-wits wherever you go, since when is the surf some magical circus where we all hold hand and blow each other?

Aim to learn, respect and communicate

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 12:11pm

Shaun bro, thanks for the comments bro, did I offend you with Jelly-fich brain? Coz if your offended by that then you really do have a Jellyfish brain... I couldn't give a flying fuck-tard about your opinion mate.
Just sharing my own experience and bringing new light to share on the topic.

It takes a bigger man to speak the truth

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 12:16pm

"We all hold hands and blow each other??!" Maybe not the Arts Section. More the Lifestyle page.

morris's picture
morris's picture
morris Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 1:16pm

Don't worry about Shaun says oc, he's a bit of a dickhead sometimes and just loves to point out the obvious. You keep trying hard and one day you'll be allowed sit out the back and join the rotation, why else would you be paddling for waves on the shoulder praying that the guy isn't going to get it. It's frustrating for you and annoying for everybody else, but that's the life of the try hard wanna be.

I must disagree with you oc about the quote "Stay in torquay with that mentallity"!!! I think it is very constructive and is my belief that signs with those word should be erected on all roads leading out of torquay.
Apologies to the minority of surfers in torquay that are decent folk.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Monday, 30 Dec 2013 at 11:59pm

So then apparently according to your logic shaun, I am a kook and I should accept that fact and just give up surfing altogether and make more room in the line-up for narrow-minded, opinionated folk such as yourself... It's ironic that your 'us vs them' mentality takes a feather from the realms of localism.

Wether you have done the wrong thing, or someone else has done the wrong thing by you what really matters is the way that you deal with it, take time to reflect, learn and realise that we are all out there for the same goal - to catch sick waves. Not many people can say that they have never thought to bend the rules or push the boundaries, surfing is a selfish sport and we all wan't our slice... there can never be an explicit one size fits all rule to any wave and set up and it all comes down to respect, understanding and communication...

Take the example of the inexperienced surfer who ditches his board when a clean up set comes through - he's not doing it intentionally to injure other surfers around him, he is simply shit scared and knows no other way to deal with the situation and until someone teaches him otherwise then he is none the wiser...

In my example I explained, dealing with situations the way that you have seen others act before you or more just adapting to your environment and realising that you have had a conscience about your behaviour and furthermore, had the courage to speak up about it on a public forum does not scream localism, it shows that you are willing to be part of the solution and not the problem...

Bellmoon: my local local fraternity wouldn't let me into their group - they said I was too open minded and remorseful of my substandard and selfish actions! ha ha

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 12:01am

Sorry, Wellmon!

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 12:13am

this is just getting better and better, I cant wait for the next set. OC dont give up surfing mate but maybe give up here or take it a little less seriously cause atm your gut sliding down the shoulder and these guys are getting barrelled all around you. although it is the best laugh Ive had reading a forum in a while :)

hem-stret's picture
hem-stret's picture
hem-stret Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 5:51am

"Take the example of the inexperienced surfer who ditches his board when a clean up set comes through - he's not doing it intentionally to injure other surfers around him, he is simply shit scared and knows no other way to deal with the situation and until someone teaches him otherwise then he is none the wise"

Surely even someone with jellyfish brains can work out the consequences of bailing the board in a lineup OCster. Its like driving a car and not stopping at the traffic lights. Also, I dont think surfing is a selfish sport when done well. The brotherhood are gently offering you some guidance in this forum, mixed with a sense of humour but lacking conscience. I dont think the blackshorts would let you paddle off the beach in Hawaii. I wouldnt expect youd get any euphanisms from Johnny Boy Gomez with your lineup radar.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 6:14am

oohhh oc , I understand , your hurting. The one friend you had left that would go surfing with you, his last words to you were "Man, I can't believe you nearly dogged that guy man, he was set up perfectly for that wave"... before he quietly paddled in threw your clothes out the car and left, to embarrassed be seen with you, like many of your surf buddies before him, he no longer answers your calls

So now your on an internet forum searching for just one person to agree with you and validate your reasoning, your scraping the bottom of the barrel aren't you.

The up side of all of this is that you will never paddle out with a group.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 6:22am
hem-stret wrote:

" I dont think the blackshorts would let you paddle off the beach in Hawaii. I wouldnt expect youd get any euphanisms from Johnny Boy Gomez with your lineup radar.

Or on your holiday to Bali, would have worked well with the Balinese.

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 6:53am

What about wide ones when you have been waiting on a wide peak waiting for those ones that come in more square on the reef, and snakers on the deeper spot try to come over when you've been waiting there the longest as they are often rare yet better.
I just drop in, especially if snakers are not in the bowl of a makeable section if you know what i mean.

Some spots those wide ones like west swells at some indo spots are the bomb. say even at speedies- g-land heaps of people take off too deep, theres a certain peak where it wedges and its makeable from.
So many waves get wasted from people pushing too deep. The right spot isnt always the deepest spot.

Same at medium sized teahopu, the wide ones are squarer and the deep ones are mellower but longer.

nebasha's picture
nebasha's picture
nebasha Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 10:08am

OC (acronym for Original C*nt?) stop wasting interwebz, you're from Melbourne. Have a soy latte with an extra shot of gayness and surf Merri Creek.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 10:23am

This is getting pretty funny. Actually shaun - I have my own surf group on Facey w over 60 members, I rarely paddle out alone, we have our own - Brotherhood if you will. You guys can judge all you want like I said before I don't give a fucking shit. I am a respectable surfer and I never drop-in or snake. You guys just need somebody to hate and pin the blame on - shame on you

nebasha's picture
nebasha's picture
nebasha Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 10:54am

Brotherhood... there's more of you? Fuck this is getting serious. You guys have matching tattoos? Do you have circle jerks? So is it wavehunter, surfing vicco, surfing melbourne?

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 12:37pm

OC if everyone shows a little remorse can you stop shaming us please? surfing isnt a court case mate, you dont have to show remorse or work hard to fit in with the locals, you have the social skills of an autistic 4 year old. Too much time on fakebook maybe. How about being patient, look learn and listen out in the real world and you will develop the social nuances you need. If not go back too 'facey' and throw a few likes around to the brotherhood, cause thats the retarded social setting that you seem to understand.

morris's picture
morris's picture
morris Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 12:43pm

Well said not so sillycunt. My guess is christian boardriders.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 1:44pm

Wow, who needs social networking when you got these forums!
If this was prison, i'd surely be the prison bitch coz all i'm getting gang-raped left right n' centre,
Sorry Morris - we christians don't believe in sodomy - sorry to ruin your fantasies

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 3:54pm

Quite an imagination you have there oc

OLD MATE's picture
OLD MATE's picture
OLD MATE Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 4:17pm

I love the swellnet forum, always something entertaining to read, unlike other forums that are heavily moderated and no fun. Could be a script for a reality show, a few jokes that people take too seriously,a bit of abuse towards eachother, a bashing here and a phuck off there and maybe a surf inbetween. We could all get together make a pilot show, send it to the stations and next thing you know we are rich and famous on sbs after fat pizza...

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 4:21pm

Sounds good, count me in; I'm already primed for the role of Prison Bitch!

And thanks Shaun - I do try to have a rather active imagination, helps to prolong the ol' dimentia, ya know?

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 4:59pm

Just back from Blacks to find youse all still at it. Deluxe. Amasing. Hilarious.

Sodomy? You'll be quoting Leviticus next, OC. Hope you don't surf on Sundays, and brush your hair before entering the water.

Brotherhood? Don't forget Leviticus 19: 28 bans tatts.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 5:30pm
nebasha wrote:

Brotherhood... there's more of you? Fuck this is getting serious. You guys have matching tattoos? Do you have circle jerks? So is it wavehunter, surfing vicco, surfing melbourne?

Actually we are called "The merry creek, christian-hipster board riders association" We are a for-profit organisation which all funds raised go directly towards our post session skinny flat whites with half an equal and our designer mostache trimmings...Infact that is pretty much all of the trimming we ever do, the highlight of our brilliantly entertaining sunday water sessions is nose-diving our 7'6" NSP funboards down dights falls, the carnage is epic but lucky our boards are epoxy and can handle the pounding dished out from the ferocious dights falls

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 5:32pm

One day we hope to get down to Ocean grove, heard it pumps there

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 6:18pm

I was just going to check the surf coast forecast. 20 minutes later I'm wondering if I can still drink a skinny flat white in good conscience.

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 6:42pm

Blindy, according to Leviticus 3:17, a skinny flat white is kosher.

Everything else is banned. Isn't that right, OC?


OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 7:07pm

7. Touching an unclean animal (5:2)

"Forgive me father, for I have sinned.... more than once!"

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 7:11pm
shaun wrote:
hem-stret wrote:

" I dont think the blackshorts would let you paddle off the beach in Hawaii. I wouldnt expect youd get any euphanisms from Johnny Boy Gomez with your lineup radar.

Or on your holiday to Bali, would have worked well with the Balinese.

The Balanise; some of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet, cheeky in the water but nice, friendly people

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 7:17pm
silicun wrote:

OC, you have the social skills of an autistic 4 year old.

Hey I am feeling really remorseful right now and quite ashamed of my actions, I feel as though I have been such a bad guy and I am trying hard to learn to be the better person...... All I can really say to respond to your quote is
"Told you so"
"You are"
"Takes one to know one"

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 7:24pm

12. Letting your hair become unkempt (10:6)

Dear god I promise to always wash, clean an restyle my hair post surf, salt is evil and I will always and forever stay slick, smooth and hipster. My hairstyle is my life, my image the pinacle of prim n' proper, please god understand that I don't wish to look like a hooligan, for everytime I bath in the evil salts in the ocean I am unclean. My preverse love affair with ocean waters is what upsets you. It affects your compassion and respect of me as a loyal follower of your wrath... Please god, accept me into your holy kingdom of pureness

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 7:55pm

Same place, under the bridge Wodka.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 8:07pm

gator, the oxen will be greatly relieved.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 at 8:14pm

I got nothin'