Vaccinate or not

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak started the topic in Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020 at 6:20pm

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 9 May 2024 at 10:46pm

End May Deadline...Early Word on WHO accord...
UK is pontificating...refusing to sign...
US Trump won't Sign...No Way!
Human Rights Watch ...(For second time...No Way!)
Aids AHF Global Public Health ....Even Bigger NO from us!
AIDS Healthcare Foundation punched a hole in Article 12 (PABS)
Pathogen Access & Benefit-Sharing
20% Equity = Developing Nations sharing Data...
Can select from the WHO VIP Club Cart (10% Donations +10% Discounts)=20% of Kitty!
By default blows WHO prize pool to Top Dogs leaving 80% for rest...
85.4% World majority pop are not in the prize draw.
Also...get this...
AIDS mob : " The Top Dogs can't collect any prizes until WHO toots their Pandemic Horror Horn...

Meaning > Hooter Starts > WHO are obligated to exhaust supply lines prioritizing VIP Yuppie Packs!
Should only take around 7 months before they get their Packs...
Basically slower than Covid Covax Rollout as World must wait months 'n'months until VIPs Yawn!
Recall 80% of Vax/PPE was bossed by 20% VIPs for 7 months during this pandemic...
WHO just locked that in as base delayed start for Covax Dregz.
WHO VIP plan will Kill majority of highest risk sooner as a year passes waiting for Yuppie Dregz

AIDs Guys : "Too Little Too Late" ... Chuck it up yer arses!
High & Dry Rich VIP WHO Fuckers unwrap their Prize Packs & watch the World die!

Be truthful...Did crew expect any different from WHO...(Silly Question...Show Us the Money!)

Human Rights Watch : "Die Yuppie Die!" Vote No, even if ya 'do know' how fuck'd up this Accord is!

WHO : Accord [ Sign here....X for the good of The World Community ]
EXTRA SMALL TYPE (Half smudged out...'May cause Mass Dea....[ #@!* Label Cuts off ]
Albo : 'Here, outta my way you wimps...just sign the fuckin' thing!' Luv yer last Genocide Gatesy!"

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 12 May 2024 at 8:22pm

Antivirals goin' Viral (Vax or not Exclusive)
Cue : Monthly PBS scripts for AV...(Figures may change due to "Claiming Activity by Pharmacies")

[factcheck] Ya can't check this (Sorry) tbb runs monthly charts for AV data...
Truth! Last month tbb noticed some minor fidgeting with back numbers...up to 6-10 extra / State.

Usually a rare event...Back accounts reconcile @ average 1-3 scripts State/Wave...
Repeating you can only check by recording Live data then recount each month...
Some crew will notice the Last record bulk wave has bulked out a larger declining shoulder...
Can clearly see narrow banded incline (vs) wider band on unnatural anomaly!
So how does that happen...(Well! Can vouch it's not natural but...awkwardly backloaded...)
April 2024 (Total defaults 2,078 back scripts > 1,281 of which Raised former March total)
Whistleblower! Stop & Check...(Such a large amount just flipped a rise to a reduction in April scripts!
Compliant with PBPA narrative but Data reveals April offset Mass doses to previous months...Why?
* Since first month Govts have Delayed / Censored / Cushioned / Rebranded [+] Vax Data
* Experts verified that Health Authorities stall / defer reallocate Data during Outbreaks

All points to this being another Data breach of highest order...
1. To further hose down any Flirting.(New Strains also hidden for 2 mths now at 45% > likely 50%)
2. Flogging off more Pax for Pfizer while seemingly reducing Doses for PBPA by back loading.
3. As in Backdating delivery dockets (Not actual Govt data guide!)

tbb is on record swearing he chooses not to paint corrupt picture...gonna try hard to exempt this rort.
Mostly coz tbb thinks we can wade in where there is some wriggle room & tbb has tested the waters!
Sure...gonna need a timeline to cook the books. (Basically retrace the steps of back peddlers!)

July 2022 : Vic Health engage (13/130 approx) NSW border Towns into Vic AV Pharmacy Network.
March 2023 : NSW Election (New NSW ALP Health, likely assumes Border Towns as their AV hubs)
*Indicates April 2024 dedicated backdated, highly reasonable, feasible & believable script drop points.

(Start date of Vic's AV *Backdate scam)

March 2023 (Extra)*15/mth slowly rises with Wave *40/mth > 26 May Covid Peak
8 June Vic CHO resigns > New Vic CEO instantly wears *40-50/mth (Extra) backdates...(So we're to believe!)
Above April 2024 backdate rort to March 2023 can withhold an inquiry...All say Aye!
{Important!} Up until 20 Oct ...only Vic has dodgy accounts > All other States are Perfectly in order!

14 Oct 2023 NZ elect Conservative Govt
20 Oct 2023 CMO End of CDINS (Burn all yer Science Books) Now Watch this...
Nov / Dec 2023 marks all States backdate point > Vic continues backdating > NSW election to now!
Nov 2023 SA back date 50 + Tas backdates 355 scripts > Jan 2024 deducts 640 Scripts
CDINS is over...AV are longer Emergency Scripts > Tas likely loaned NZ Conservatives doses until Dec.
Dec 2023 NZ purchase 60,000 doses & likely return Tas scripts with some added or expired doses!
Dec 2023 > March 2024 All states now busily share increased numbers of backdated AV Scripts.
March > 2nd anniversary of (pre PBS) AV Rollout
(Fed Govt Territories are not rorting AV Scripts & keep immaculate records (ACT *9 / NT *3 over 2 yrs)

Are we missing other larger outliers here...possibly several as tbb AV series referred
One could expect delays in Borrowed Supplies as in Cruise Lines returning Expired doses.
Also Flood Insurance inventory may likely delay "Official Write Off Scripts / replacements."
tbb has checked off on both...Yes! Legitimate Scripts / Expiry doses officially signed off.
True! Many doses would have expired @ March but many were also extended for a 2nd 6 months.
Please Note Aged Scripts are also backdated...Observe how each Wave has spare 18-29yr [....] or not.
Exploitable Box are post filler buffers &/or back date dumping they appear as add ons...
Like they aren't there or even shown to be there, then they are...with many scripts...Surprise!
Tip : Hold yer mouse above each aged tower...see 18-29yrs appear others don't...not by accident!
As said they'll usually leave one as a Dumping box for any up coming above allocations!

*Likely some Fed Govt PBS Territory compliance (vs) States are free to back date Delivery Dockets.
Long Covid Review > States can allow Chemists to sell off shelf AV....Fed / Territories can't! So yeah!
Data shows that States have free flow 2 way data share outside of Commonwealth powers!
But all respect Govt Power under CMO Emergency...they keep clean data during Emergency duration!

Current Executive order seems to be > Just return a lower April reduction for PBPA Public Face!
With CMO outta the game...No rules...Just sell more Pfizer but back date receipts to tick off PBPA.
Pats on backs > PBPA Less AV rubber Stamp + Pfizer credits + Bury all stats on current Outbreak!

Nice try tbb...but don't think the Crew are buying yer water tight Govt exemption...

April 2024 had a higher Pile >(Wotz New!) Now March 2024 rises up from devouring April 2024 pile!
Just more Data Corruption to hide the truth that they're not weening off 50+ $1300 Pfizer Sales.
Butto's #1 + #2 PBS drug addiction is still in crisis mode & watch it shoot up this Month!
Translates Watch last month's now leaner April Stack absorb May Outbreak to present lower...& so on!
Thereby swearing no additional doses + no outbreak...Miracle it is!
Recall all experts relied on AV orders to gauge Outbreaks...
(Now!) Fed's bastardized Data rose past outbreak while lowering & burying current AV + outbreak!
Almost the last reliable Data set poisoned by pack of bastards burning science books as they go!

No matter how ya spin it...(Rort or Laziness) it's still $2.7m #1+#2 Drugs unaccounted for 1 year.
Media ain't touching this pimped out Medicare Rort...but it's low hanging rotting fruit!

Again..."Just...Do yer fucking Jobz or get disabled tbb to do it for free...just hand over the Clipboard!"
Tally up #1 +#2 drugz faster than 10 days without 2,078 mistakes...even a primary school kid can!

Under any Health Minister's watch...this is unacceptable...all know why not expose the rort!
March : PBPA on their tail > Pax goes off Grid > Hide -Delay Mass Vax Outbreak for another 6 wks.
There's an even bigger reason...Butto' is trying to throw shade over Vic's high 0-64yr Ward Charts.

So can't get them off the hook...
But they are becoming diabolically unscrupulous! (Gettin' more devious, that's normal...right!)
tbb reported when feds switched from Weekly to Monthly data to hide rush on expired doses...
Others aware of that would likewise be keeping tabs...knowing more data sweeps were coming.

Salute whoever cooked up these shit hot backdated parameters...
Soon as tbb dug deeper...knew this be some pro level cushion zhoosher! (NSW Delta Force)
This next level altering live data as it rolls out in clear view is very audacious...almost bipolar.
Ya can plan all the back level timestamps but real time catches up to envelope you...

Only those keeping tabs can monitor this mass data shift...not new & can argue it's only orders!
Meaning it only implies Feds would sign off on this standard numbers rort!
Only each number represents = $1,300 + Nails the Minister...if danger of that...
Hands up who else even knows of another weirdo with AV charts other than tbb...(Cough!) = 0.
Well now ya all know why someone has to...don't wish to, but know these are hottest censor points!

All are now in too deep...caught out, with no spare deflections to soak up an outbreak...
Thinking the idea was for Butto's AV Long Covid approval to kick in & mop up any outbreaks!
Swear one expert zhooshes live time NSW > SA > Vic > WA > Feds (re: Data Guru who wins AO)

"Soon be able to fool the crew with New Ai Rip Snorta Data Rorta...Mach 2." (Just humour them!)
PS : Can see tbb tried extra hard to get Experts off the hook but no can's a rort!
Furthermore one might expect Vic's increased AV might miraculously show reduced 50+ AV.
There's enough April Data shift to flip Total + Total of Younger Doses...that was the aim.
Anyhow!...another week another Covid Data more certain than a sunrise!

Minister : "Bonus being we're not experiencing any outbreaks...(Cough!)"
Please save us from experts!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 9:57pm

Oz FLiRT > FLuQE review...(Comes with Vic CHO Alert!)

Feb 2024 JN.1 subsides as KW enters Oz > rises to May 10%
3 March KP enters Oz > KP.2 >10% + KP.3 > 30% to May ( JN.1 falls to 5%)
10 March JN.1 (Not @ 95-100% but 40%) 4 May NSW share 'real' Variant data (Better late than never!)
4 May Only NSW Health shares (Above) Share 3 month hidden KP Variant Data
8 May Oz Wide FLiRT Data...thanx Mike Honey.
Oz Vax
1 April 8K/day rising 125% > 8 May 18K/day (Levelling off ) > 180% less than 2023 @ 50K/day level.

WA : 1 April (5.5% > 11.5%) > 12 May
Cases 1 -14 April (25%) 15-28April (7%) 29April -12 May (83%) or 115% (See Hospitals)

Wastewater spikes
WA : 1 April-10 May rising 110% > already 26% more Covid than WA Winter 2023 Peak
Jan 2023 ( 38/100K Same WW level = 14,000 cases) Now much less tests = 1,095 cases (Cough!)
Vic also shows a lot more volume of covid coming into June spike. (See Vic CHO Alert)
NZ also shows spike (vs) NSW records less Covid > high N+W Sydney aged care outbreaks.
o's infectiousness has levelled off but still represents high end 40-50% of cases.

Aged Care Outbreaks (Highest % States / Oz Total Comparison)
23 March-10 May
Vic Outbreaks 39>114 (192%) Residents 147>606 (312%) Staff 33>269 (715%)
Oz Outbreaks 186>310 (67%) Residents 818>2,148 (163%) Staff 347>797(130%)
WA Outbreaks 18>38 (111%) Residents 98>232 (136%) Staff 37>131 (254%)
Feel free to check : Only tbb warned Victorians & often that all data pointed to Vic Crisis (Not a joke!)
Now ya all know why Vic / WA have been cushioning & censoring current & back data...(Wipe the Lot!)
Ask! Which Expert...alerted to Vic Crisis? now the CHO blows the Horror Horn (see...Below)

Experts (M.Honey) re: Tested A/C Staff = Considered last bastion of uncorrupted Data!

News : Differs...some say KP2/3 is more infectious & virulent others say it's ok! (see : Hospital Data)
Current Thailand Hospitalizations / ICUs / Vents are off the charts (Censored)

AV Scripts up in Vic (All States backdated over 2,000 scripts to lower the April Total) > AV likely Rising!
(Read above)

Oz Hospitalizations are skyrocketing
Vic : 1 April-10 May > 160% spike ( Vic Younger Ages are still representing high %. )
WA : 1 April-12 May 147% spike (Check against WA cases + a/c Res-Staff)

Deaths...Oz Govt's have continually heavily Censored Testing > Hospitalizations > Deaths
Past data periods tripled Aged Care Deaths = Total deaths for a best estimate.

Strictly indicative Full Test guideline...
1 April-10 May = Aged care deaths 100 x 3 = approx 300 deaths / current wave or 1,000 / year to date
(re: Compared to State Health Mandated Test Period > Certified [+] deaths!)
Feel free to check Aged Care Jan 2022 > May 2024 deaths Graph...can confirm 1/3 ratio!
Experts often say x 3...can see that Aged Care graph reflects similar!
It's still the most fairest ~ reliable way of fast checking?

That's the State of Oz Covid mid Variant Change / Outbreak.
Salute whatever State Health Data we had to squeeze to make sense of all that!
Very sad to see Vic / WA need best Data but go ape jumping up'n'down on it..
Just chill...quit the paranoia & get ahead of the outbreak...
So Wot if ya gotta buzz Yellow or Orange...would save a Fortune & lives!

Just on that...
( Note Vic switched back to Weekly reports real fast...)

10 May 2024 Vic CHO : Active Alert [240510]
* 30%/wk rise Hospitalizations + WW High levels of Covid + Flu/RSV up 30% fortnight
There are some restrictions / recommendations coming back...
*Mask > Vax > Boost > Ventilate > Test > [+] AVs > Isolate > 5 days + Flu Vax

Extra : (BlueCare) Qld Aged Care Homes are denying UnVaxed Entry...
Know this coz was told such by someone just denied entry yesterday!
Just saying to expect a few Masked + Vaxed Only is wot it is ... another Covid Outbreak Alert.

Cruises charge $40 Test > [+] 5 day Cabin Isolation also applies
Looks like a few restrictions are very much alive!

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Friday, 24 May 2024 at 11:23am
ashsam wrote:

It’s amusing how easily you write off any medical advice about covid but you’re a full blown god botherer that believes in a make believe guy in the sky. Confused much?

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 24 May 2024 at 11:50am
^ ha, wow, the 2 pages of show hosts at 2GB is pretty spot-the-aussie friendly,
(to paraphrase the below yes minister clip at 3:30):
"you couldn't find a more diverse lot than at 2GB - a real cross-section of the nation"

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 24 May 2024 at 8:19pm

Hello Base 6

Surprised U are still looking at Media bias , after your foray @ Our ABC !

Also surprised U love the Shock Jocks and Jockets , I do like Peta though .

Shock Jockies , The Guardian , Age , The Australian and Sun etc , all have their Readership/Listeners/Watchers with their Rusted on Views .

If I was more technical , I would Show the Clip of Hacker telling Humpy and Bernard , who reads the UK Papers and runs the Country .

The Sun readers got a Special mention by Bernard !

Such a Classic series !

An absolute favourite .

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Friday, 24 May 2024 at 9:56pm

Depends who’s looking I guess


seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Friday, 24 May 2024 at 10:26pm
basesix wrote:
^ ha, wow, the 2 pages of show hosts at 2GB is pretty spot-the-aussie friendly,
(to paraphrase the below yes minister clip at 3:30):
"you couldn't find a more diverse lot than at 2GB - a real cross-section of the nation"

2GB Christmas party. The good old days(boys)


truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 24 May 2024 at 10:57pm

Interesting videos of late...
This one starts off as some whack job but plays it straight down the line all the way thru...
Doesn't go on about Covid or Vax at fact ensures they never mention it in Funeral Homes surveys!
Simply asking why Corpses all got White Fibrous Clots or Coffee Grounds!
Hospitals are now fine to incinerate the Kidz for ya?
Simply asking why all else about keep tabs on Covid / Vax...while lazy FDA / CDC keep laughin' it off.
Calls for Halt on mRNA Tech until this increasing clotting can be explained!

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Friday, 24 May 2024 at 11:16pm

Pertinent TBB, surely?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 25 May 2024 at 8:22am

Legend TBB

The truth keeps coming out about Humans crazy idea to play with Gain of Function research .

How some people like Fauci , think they can Play around with this Stuff , BEHIND our backs , is gobsmacking .

They deserve to be torn apart by the Truth Lion and TBB !

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 25 May 2024 at 12:26pm

Global imports of expired mRNA GMOs with lucky dipping of needles into a mystery thawing vial slurry.
Non approved P2 Global rolled out muck bears little resemblance to original dodgy approved Lab brew!
None imported with an approved GMO licence...What could possibly go wrong!

tbb salutes this Aussie Marathon effort...well worth a watch for GMO legalities & legacy...Boy! Oh Boy!

tbb earlier shared an exclusive on the origin of these above "Whitish translucent Graphene shards"

The Vaccine requires deep Glass Vials could withstand mRNA -80* temperatures.
So the Vials were hot dipped in Volcanic Salts that form as graphene.
You'll note that Heavy Duty Lustre on VIP Top gear merch...that's this compound!
Can ice skate on it without a that wax ya gotta muscle into the surface!
Now imagine a lake polished with it. that thaws within hours...that shit has gotta go somewhere?

*As Vax thaws the Vial 'Graphene coating shards' break down into Vax then sucked up by shot needles.

Pause! Crew know more than tbb about wax coatings.
All our kidz drink from 1,000's of harmless certified wax coated Cups! (Correct!)
Now would you approve the same volume of Jagged Wax shards coagulating within the same cup!
Ask! The same Safe Wax & Volume is approved for each cup at point of Lab approval. (Check!)
All here know that's a perfectly certified safe recipe for mass disaster!
[ Expert Factchecker ] So how about ya'll get fucked & suck it up...Ok!
That's exactly how we rollout in the shire...Ask any question but only 1 / 1m is the right question to ask!

[ Expert Factchecker ] "It's likely just 'ice crystals' or some shit...pretty sure it'll build more immunity!"
Correct! That's the highest level of intelligent life forms unravelling this shitfuckery!

Ok! Back to the reality test!
Most particularly the 5th then forbidden ultra evil 6/7 doses (Note 25% of corpses have these globules)
Trial any combo of Frozen Glass Sugared slow release alcohol cocktail as it thaws & coagulates.
Like Whoa! Got a hit from that slice of Lemon...more...drool...more!
tbb's hot tip : "Avoid Gold Top / Blue Meannies' Dregz + that mRNA dirty shot of unapproved goop!"

Because each needle is pre dipped into same vial then each needle is coated with more then capped.
Correct...tbb knows exactly what yer dastardly evil plan is ...
Yes! It's very easy to reserve Shot's 5/6/7 to bump off rival Sports Stars or VIPs
Accidentally deliver all sixes'n'sevens to boost Seachange State inheritance windfall...Jackpot-Kaching!
Like Wow!...lot of wealthy VIPs & Seachange boomers droppin' like flies...Wot a bummer...All say Aye!

tbb shared the fast tracking of State inheritance Tax laws timing with Vax Rollout & Data dumps!
Purely Coincidental that Pollies have shares & Future funds rolling off the back of the Rollout!

[Expert factcheckerz ] But needles only target & isolate Muscle tissue to then release Vax! (Verbatim!)

Again...just ask any primary school Kid ...
Grom : "But Miss...these are not sanitized pre packed syringes, are they!"
"Each 'dipped needle' contaminates every tissue & vessel before delivering it's intramuscular paylode!"
"So don't that mean like everything gets contaminated before reaching the just saying Miss!"

Teacher : "Dear Mr/ Ms Conspiracy Parents & are hereby banned from every school lesson!"
"However it's still mandatory to attend our Sciency Book Burning Fete!"

Obviously those patients receiving lucky dip doses 6/7 will more likely die from clotting! (Cough! Shh!)
That's Ok...coz Govt's can trace which exorbitant NDIS patients & Seachange Honey Pot gets a lucky dip!

Experts shuffling chess pawns in the game of life...nothin' to see gromz...move along!
Or are they just pretending not to know shit about their biggest ever corrupt shitshow!
Or are they stupid enough to kill us all without ever noticing...(That one tbb! So all agree on that one!)

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 30 May 2024 at 1:43pm

Oz current Covid Wave 1Dec-24May 2024 (11,500,000 [+] 44.4%) 5 deaths/day

Oz pre vax Waves 30Jan '20-(50%Vax)-23 Sept 2021 (92,179 [+] 0.36%) 2 deaths/day

Oz Pre Vax Covid (Apartheid Lockdowns) 152 [+] day
Gradual exposure to train bodies to build natural Herd Immunity was banned > VIPs only!
Mandatory unprotected untrained immunity led to higher than necessary death rate of 2/day.

WHO and World united were devastated...Mandating VIP passes to spread the Virus faster!

Expert Cure > Orchestrate WHO Mass Vaxed infinite Health Crisis!
Oz $50b 6x Vax + 2x AV doses + Ramping of Ambo Ramps + More Healthcare Sick Days!

Resulting in current Oz average of 64,714 [+] Day > 5 deaths day now soaring
Covid infections from Highest Vaxed Vic Hospitals result in 6 deaths / wk or 1 death / 9.4 [+] Fully Vaxed Patients
Direct comparison to pre Vax Hospital death rate of 1 death / 77 Unvaxed Patients
[ Expert Factcheck ] : "Mass Vaxed Patients are now 8x more likely to die in safe hands!"
No secret these Orchestrated Hospital infected VIP patient deaths are rapidly becoming younger each day.

All Oz Govt's ended Covid Emergency & now censor weekly Covid Data...nothing to see!

JN.1 > FLuRT strains hit A/C with highest infections since fearsome XBF wave in late 2022.

All metrics still rising!
"We can expect a very grim Toll from this Wave!" (Read above link)

The very reason WA & Vic Covid Data Censorship is soaring in Plague Proportion.
Vic's Data for this week was released now pulled...WA Data bastardized & hacked to death!

If Health Authorities return our confiscated Crisis Data! tbb can do a bubble gum wrap!

This week's [Factchecked] Expertly censored Covid Normal Alert : "Don't Hold yer Breath!"

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Thursday, 30 May 2024 at 2:16pm

I reckon I had covid a week or two ago. I didn't get tested as I felt good with some inconvenience. I'll only get tested when I truly feel sick.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 30 May 2024 at 2:32pm
flollo wrote:

I reckon I had covid a week or two ago. I didn't get tested as I felt good with some inconvenience. I'll only get tested when I truly feel sick.

Same. Took a well out of date RAT test which showed negative, but I'm not so sure.

I wasn't totally laid out but just congested and had headaches. The most prominent aspect appeared to be the duration. Despite doing everything right - rest, hydration, Arma Force, you name it - I couldn't shake it and it had the better of me for ten days.

Have spoken to a few others who claim to have had the 'vid this season, and all claim mild yet lingering symptoms.

Think I'd prefer three days of hell then get on with it, rather than a prolonged half-arsed bout of it.

Might even consider taking a vax next year...

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Thursday, 30 May 2024 at 3:07pm
stunet wrote:
flollo wrote:

I reckon I had covid a week or two ago. I didn't get tested as I felt good with some inconvenience. I'll only get tested when I truly feel sick.

Same. Took a well out of date RAT test which showed negative, but I'm not so sure.

I wasn't totally laid out but just congested and had headaches. The most prominent aspect appeared to be the duration. Despite doing everything right - rest, hydration, Arma Force, you name it - I couldn't shake it and it had the better of me for ten days.

Have spoken to a few others who claim to have had the 'vid this season, and all claim mild yet lingering symptoms.

Think I'd prefer three days of hell then get on with it, rather than a prolonged half-arsed bout of it.

Might even consider taking a vax next year...

All of the above, a lingering cough and still not back to previous fitness. Had two surfs over the weekend. It’s been 4 weeks. Tested positive for a week, 6 days between 2 positive tests. I don’t want it again.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 1 Jun 2024 at 11:14pm

Welcome to Winter
Firstly wish good health to the crew...all in this together forever!
13 March Vax or not sounded the Horror Horn
"Paddle Battle begins > No relief 'til back side of Winter...start making some Covid Safe Plans!"
14 March very next day Oz Vax or Not groupies heeded the Horror Horn and begin Boosting
15 March KP 3 Skip wave sounds warning
23 March o's New Covid Variant KP 3 High Wave floods in....see 12 May o's Wave.

April Fools Tsunami rises...fooling Expert Kooks commanding Covid was over for the 4th time already!

May KP3 Wave starts arcing up

2 May Boosters peaked now shot gettin' paked away with Oz bunkered down for Covid Tsunami

State Responses (Alerts)

10 May Vic [Health Alert] "Increased Covid Hospitalizations"
Mask > Vax > Fresh Air > Test > STFAH > AVs

12 May World Covid rising slowly...lowest > Highest
EU-Italy-Greece >India >Malaysia >Canada >*China >Thailand >*UK >*NZ >Australia >Russia
(Current) Rises in France > Spain
[Backcheck] Dec 2023 rising 43% o's spike resulted in first call from PM for o's migration cut back.
12 May *46.4% o's spike triggered both PM & Opposition leaders calls to cut migration...(Coincidence?)

14 May WA Concerns over low Age Care Vax increasing Covid Deaths
17 May [ Alert for WA Hospital Healthcare Workers ] Covid 19 Rising!

14-28 May Qld CHO significant increase of infectious KP3 in coming weeks end of June Winter Blast
Qld also boast contracting 1,000 new staff for Winter Blast...Game On!
Govt enforce action to pursue $3.6m from 2,186 unpaid Covid Fines [Pay it Now]

17-30 May NSW [Triple Threat]
Up 2 Date Vax > Symptomatic STFAH > Mask > Ventilate > RAT 4 High Risk Visits > GP-AV

26 May Tas Covid Moderate > Increasing (Highest annual Spike this Week > 65+ / KP Soaring 46.3%!)

23-27 May NZ Significant Winter Wave + Highest Wastewater Viral Load in 18 months!

1 June SA [Code Yellow] "Covid Bomb shuts down all Cat 3/4 Surgeries"
(200 more patients than same period last year!) Every Ward over cap' under stress (Daily Monitoring)
[+] Hospital Staff 270 > [+] Aged Care Staff 170 > (100 patients/day queuing for Beds!)
News : Mandatory Hospital Masks pending!

US Summer Safaris- Hawaii > Florida > California > Maine + Migrant Overflow States are rising!

Nearby neighbours Special K rising combo weekly Hospitalizations (2 months > Now...holding...)
Taiwan 1st April 728 > 849 > 1004 > 1692 > 1792 > 1880.....1882 (158%).... 1801 (25 May)
Victoria 5th April 95 > 116 --> 128 -->160 --> 208 -> 284........347 (265%).......319 (31 May)
So we see first month spikes then a month holding high... slight drop..
Last 4 Vic Hospital waves peak twice...expect hospitalizations to hold high & even drop a little...
Last 2 Vic Hospital Waves also hung high before rising again...(Variants seem to trace their lineage )

Victoria Deaths up > 76 (Last 28 days) Taiwan ICU / Vents / Deaths were censored mid wave
Approx Ages { R.I.P } 0-4=3 > 5-17=1 > 18-29=2 > 30-49=5 > 50-64=10 > 65-84=36 > 85+=20
Yes it's frightful...tbb agrees...reason for sharing is to acknowledge the here & now real life crisis!
Of interest is Vic #1 (32.4%) Oz AV scripts...( Aged Care = 50% AV Scripts )

Note how Peak Wave ~ Vic command 30-40% of all Outbreaks > Infections > Scripts > Deaths
Perhaps crew might consider why tbb trumpeted the Horror Horn Warning to start the Wave rolling!
{ Warning } Oz Aged Care infections are now higher than any period back to end of 2022 Wave
Rise % Oz 23 March (rise) 31st May %
Outbreaks---Vic 39.......... 168 (330.8%)
21-37% of Oz 186............449 (141.4%)
Residents--Vic 147........1125 (665.3%)
18-38% of Oz 818.........2927 (257.8%)
A/C Staff ---Vic 65............384 (296.9%)
28--29% of Oz 34..........1311 (277.8%)

Explanation for high Vic % of Oz Aged Care [+]
Was tbb right to warn Vic of this very concerning predictable fateful scenario (Above!)
If so then tbb owes it to Vic to spin this Horror Show around...can he fool Vic that this is a good thing!
Can have a crack...
*Fed Health Minister's State Vic prides World's #1 network of Free AV scripts for Aged Care / Seniors!
Minister's Vic would naturally test more to score more free drugs to also speed recovery of 384 Staff.
*Secondly, consider Vic Aged Care are more sporting with AFL / Staff tipping group therapy (Cough!)
tbb is convincing Vic crew that AFL Seasonal Outbreaks = Game Day Tests > AV scripts (All sorted!)
Vic now got 1,509 AV Doses for the Mandatory Outta Bounds Isolation Round...(Good Game...Cough!)

Mop Up!
11.5m / 40-50% [+] Aussies this Wave
Have read a whisper of New Variant said to be more infectious than all before...well durr!