Do you like or hate Donald Trump, and why?

dimitrios10's picture
dimitrios10 started the topic in Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 5:10pm

I am curious if you guys like DonaldTrump, or do you hate him?

factotum's picture
factotum's picture
factotum Thursday, 27 Sep 2018 at 3:41pm

Aha! The infamous 'red mist chronicles'! Now I get it! Play Misty for Me, indeed!

US PR is a helluva drug!

Now, are we ready for a bout of 'whataboutery'? Like a Tooheys, I can feel it's about to come on...

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 27 Sep 2018 at 4:12pm

No , Andy , I didnt condone anything the US have done . I’m just saying that it’s a case of , if they hadn’t dominated in the fashion they did , then maybe someone worse may have come along.

Hitler and the Germans killed millions in a few years . Fancy if they’d been the ones occupying the dominant global position since then .

Or Japan.

Or Italy.

Or Indonesia.

Or whoever else you can imagine that wouldn’t wield their power gently.

And if the US had shown hesitation or weakness during their period of rein then they would have been challenged. Maybe if the US hadn’t treated those countries so poorly, and not profited as they did , then maybe they wouldn’t have managed to maintainthe balance of power that attributed to the general global peace.

factotum's picture
factotum's picture
factotum Thursday, 27 Sep 2018 at 4:19pm


I feel like a Tooheys...or two?

davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Thursday, 27 Sep 2018 at 5:34pm

factotum, i picked up two empty Toohey's cans as i went to check d-bah this morning.I put them in the bin, that's where all trash belongs- as long as they are empty of course.Donald may be famous at the moment but history will reveal he will still sit below the Legend Donald-Donald Duck that is.

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 12:45am

On the fairness of THAT election....get real, didn't Hillary outspend Trump 2 to 1 with overwhelming media support?.....that's some real 'interference'.
Trump must be some sorta genius to win against those odds.

On US foreign policy Blowin is exactly right....cause his take is pragmatic not naive.
Calculations about the body count racked up by US foreign affairs are only as good as the bias of those calculating.
Whatever the motivation of the US, the knockers need to simply explain why they would have let South Korea go the way of North Korea and how that would be a better result.
As Blowin said, for all its very real faults, US intervention has created a global net gain.
Never any balance from the implacable anti Americanistas....on principle they will never acknowledge any good in anything the US does.
Lousy way to interpret history.

boxright's picture
boxright's picture
boxright Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 6:52am

So what's the correct response when the US overthrows democratically elected governments causing regional upheaval and huge loss of lives, when the countries are diminutive and no threat to the global order, and when the motivation for US meddling hasnt been politics but the furthering of US business interests? Should we give them our approval? Is that the correct way to interpret history?

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 7:59am

‘So what's the correct response when the US overthrows democratically elected governments causing regional upheaval and huge loss of lives, when the countries are diminutive and no threat to the global order, and when the motivation for US meddling hasnt been politics but the furthering of US business interests? Should we give them our approval? Is that the correct way to interpret history?’

That’s a perfect description of the ‘founding’ of Australia. As team blowindo, again, (stupe’s boyz), preach, in a nutshell, it’s the good ‘ol, ‘I’m alright so fuck you’ attitude. The ‘royals’, our beloved ‘queen of the world’ and yanks perfected it. It boils down to this fucked up mentality, ‘yeh, big deal, but you are a beautiful lady who wears bathers, so you were bound to get raped... at least it weren’t adolph... and the kid’s not bad lookin’... anyway we don’t mind seconds, so just get ‘orn wiv it and move on aye!!!??’

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:15am

60000 years and you believe in that time that no one stole someone else’s territory.

Talk about the Dreaming.

About as Intelligent as thinking that a lack of drawings of an event on a cave wall is evidence that something didn’t occur.

thatguy's picture
thatguy's picture
thatguy Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:14am

crypto makes me laugh with all his big words and machismo.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:16am

Come down to the gym that guy, we’ll share a laugh!!!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:19am

Was that post intended to be regarding our reaction to your appearance, Lifty ?

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:20am

blowindo’s eternal squwark, ‘racism forever’!!!!??? In a nutshell!!!

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:22am

Haha blowindo’s blowin ‘that guy’ now, again!!!’

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:31am

Questioning the unsubstantiated and unproven fantasy that 60000 years of existence was completely without violence , greed or envy = racism !


Here’s a little vid of Thatguy and myself visiting Lifty at his gym :

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:36am

More classic 'play misty for me' bullshit, show me where I said,

'60000 years of existence was completely without violence , greed or envy'.

Again though, perfect demo of your mentality,

‘yeh, big deal, but you are a beautiful lady who wears bathers, so you were bound to get raped... at least it weren’t adolph... and the kid’s not bad lookin’... anyway we don’t mind seconds, so just get ‘orn wiv it and move on aye!!!??’

But with that little twist of the knife you lurv,

'anyway vey reckon she uses a vibrator, and she likes sex... carn't find no evidence but... me mmmaaayyyte told me aaayye... so, yeeeeeehhhaaaaarrrr!!!!'

blowindo, the eternal racist.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:45am

Highly recommend this video/movie, the good ole boys get a good wopin!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:57am

Lifty - Do you believe it’s true that there was no territorial disputes during the 60000 years that humans existed on Australia ?

Guy - Did you really just post some redneck bash fetish porn for all the Right On brigade out there to fantasise over ? If you want to see rednecks get their heads kicked in why not just go and do it ? Righteousness will strengthen your arm ! You can wear all-white clothes so that everyone knows you’re one of the good guys.

Wait , maybe you should wear all- black so you’re not reinforcing cultural stereotypes. Hmmm, that might be cultural appropriation.

Why don’t you wear rainbow coloured clothes ?

Better put that to the SJW committee.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:57am

Blowin, no I rate that movie as one of my all time favourites, Gene hackman brilliant actor and the movie was loosely based on real life events. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favour.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:58am

I don’t mind a bit of Mr Hackman either.

What movie is it ?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 9:03am

I always find it interesting when people who focus so much on race and want and support people to be treated differently based on race/ethnicity call others racist, personally i think all Australians should be treated the same everything should come down to needs not race or ethnicity, if people think this a racist view then fine, call me racist.

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 9:10am

Guy, re Hackman, I think the top comment from that vid summed him up "Gene Hackman is the manliest man that ever manned..."

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 9:21am

Re Kavanaugh

Republican senator John Kennedy asked the final questions of the evening, saying, “Do you believe in God?” Kavanaugh said he did.

Kennedy continued, “I want you to look me in the eye. Are Dr Ford’s allegations true?”

“They are not accurate as to me,” the judge responded. “I’ve never done this ... Never done this to her or anyone else.”

Asked about the Deborah Ramirez allegations, Kavanaugh said, “If that had happened, that would’ve been the talk of campus.”

“None of these allegations are true? No doubt in your mind?” asked Kennedy.

“Zero,” Kavanaugh responded.

The final question of the day: “Do you swear to God?”

“I swear to God,” Kavanaugh responded.

Well that's it then, the word of one man vs. the word of a few women.
But if Trump reckons Kavanaugh is honest, then it must be true, especially on account of his well known honesty and integrity.....
As the song goes "What God wants, God gets, God help us all"

thatguy's picture
thatguy's picture
thatguy Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 9:24am

"Come down to the gym that guy, we’ll share a laugh!!!"
Do you also stand up comedy luv?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 9:27am

Messy business that. Has all the halmarks of a political hit yet there's a continuity across the allegations and Ford passed the polygraph test.

Partisan appointments, they're the same the whole world over.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 10:50am

I'd say nasty business that.

As some chen dude from Stanford just said on abc....

Two people have been reluctantly dragged through the mud. Destroying their lives and families regardless of an outcome, as they defended the public's formed perceptions of them.

Both convincingly gave their accounts of a hazy 36 year old event where there's little to no evidence available. And now, the public is none the wiser.... the question is why?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 10:48am

The bigger question is...

Can agro survive #metoo?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:15am

Mississippi Burning

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:18am


If the US were to overthrow a diminutive democracy that would be a bad thing and worthy of condemnation......but why respond to something that was never said with a lack of balance that only proves my point?

factotum's picture
factotum's picture
factotum Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:23am

Wow! Looks like a couple of slabs of Tooheys have gone down for some! Red (can) pist chronicles?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:33am

Which coast do you mostly surf, factotum ?

factotum's picture
factotum's picture
factotum Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 12:11pm

Hopefully, one with some waves! There were today! You getting some?

Waves, I mean?

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:43am

Identity politics.....the last resort of a scoundrel
The anti racists seem to be 100 x more racist than .........the people they keep smearing as racist.
Contempt is all they deserve.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:45am

Not today. Packing up and ready to ship out.

It’s cold , grey and unappealing here today. Time to go somewhere colder !

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:46am
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:48am

Trump might be a fuckwit, but he sure is the L Ron Hubbard of the political world.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:49am

Hey Blob

You know what’s funny ?

If you were to tell people you didn’t like Eskimos because you’re racist they’d get angry.

But if you were tell people you don’t like Eskimos because you’re a misanthrope then they laugh or feel sorry for you.

Obviously the prevailing culture hasn’t informed them which stance to take on that yet.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:55am

Quick break, lets see, what have we got.

blowindo MIA

'More classic 'play misty for me' bullshit, show me where I said,

'60000 years of existence was completely without violence , greed or envy'.'

No answer, just swillnuttin' bullshit. MIA, presumably lost in the 'red mist' again... in a nutshell.

'Not so bad boy 'that guy' MIA. Again. Who'd have guessed!!! Nursing home won't let him out. Swillnuttin' in a nutshell.


' then fine, call me racist'

You racist redneck indoblown.

Still the same old. Self appointed judge and jury poms commit heinous crimes against Indigenous Australians, because poms are proven bloodthirsty killers who use pure brute violence to get what they want. That is perpetuated to this day, by racist, self appointed judge and jury rellies of good 'ol uncle whitey, who use pure brute force and violence to force Indigenous Australians to accept the crimes the poms perpetuate against them. In 80,000 years, no Indigenous Australians fled the country pleading for the poms help, because of persecution, nor did they invite, or incite invasion, nor did they ask for the poms guidance. Pure, perpetuated greed, arrogance, lies, dumb arse thinking parading as 'science', brute force, bloodshed and violence is the only reason the poms are here. klu klux clan style, redneck racism, in a nutshell.

'Which coast do you mostly surf, factotum ?'

Oh, no, not that, don't tell me, not another 'east of albany, pleaze be meee mmmaaayytee aayye', doozy, in a nutshelll!!!

Swillnuttin' social worker cccoooooooeeeeeee!!!

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 11:54am

As per the cruel, massacring white invaders......just for some balance to the black arm band crew

In 1835 some displaced Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama people, Māori from the Taranaki region of the North Island of New Zealand, but living in Wellington, invaded the Chathams. On 19 November 1835, the brig Lord Rodney, a hijacked[16] European ship, arrived carrying 500 Māori armed with guns, clubs and axes, and loaded with 78 tonnes of seed potatoes, followed by another ship with 400 more Māori on 5 December 1835. While the second shipment of invaders were waiting, the invaders killed a 12-year-old girl and hung her flesh on posts.[17] They proceeded to enslave some Moriori and kill and cannibalise others. "Parties of warriors armed with muskets, clubs and tomahawks, led by their chiefs, walked through Moriori tribal territories and settlements without warning, permission or greeting. If the districts were wanted by the invaders, they curtly informed the inhabitants that their land had been taken and the Moriori living there were now vassals."[18]

A hui or council of Moriori elders was convened at the settlement called Te Awapatiki. Despite knowing of the Māori predilection for killing and eating the conquered, and despite the admonition by some of the elder chiefs that the principle of Nunuku was not appropriate now, two chiefs — Tapata and Torea — declared that "the law of Nunuku was not a strategy for survival, to be varied as conditions changed; it was a moral imperative."[13] A Moriori survivor recalled : "[The Maori] commenced to kill us like sheep.... [We] were terrified, fled to the bush, concealed ourselves in holes underground, and in any place to escape our enemies. It was of no avail; we were discovered and killed - men, women and children indiscriminately." A Māori conqueror explained, "We took possession... in accordance with our customs and we caught all the people. Not one escaped....." [19] The invaders ritually killed some 10% of the population, a ritual that included staking out women and children on the beach and leaving them to die in great pain over several days. The Māori invaders forbade the speaking of the Moriori language. They forced Moriori to desecrate their sacred sites by urinating and defecating on them.[20],

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 12:00pm


Re racist V misanthrope

The SJWs are all over the shop on so many fronts I reckon it's only their blind faith in their own compassion that convinces them they must be rational.

factotum's picture
factotum's picture
factotum Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 1:15pm

I hear you, sister!

Testify, brother!

Fun factoid: The Blob was Steve McQueen's first starring role.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 12:14pm

Thank you blob, you fucking racist imbecile. Dobbed straight through the guts, except, idiot, for the wrong team.

What has that got to do with Indigenous Australians. Here's what Cook had to say about Indigenous Australians. Nothing remotely like that at all. The opposite in fact.

A typical entry.

'as we came in, on both points of the bay, several of the Natives and a few hutts; Men, Women, and Children on the South Shore abreast of the Ship, to which place I went in the Boats in hopes of speaking with them, accompanied by Mr. Banks, Dr. Solander, and Tupia. As we approached the Shore they all made off, except 2 Men, who seem’d resolved to oppose our landing. As soon as I saw this I order’d the boats to lay upon their Oars, in order to speak to them; but this was to little purpose, for neither us nor Tupia could understand one word they said. We then threw them some nails, beads, etc., a shore, which they took up, and seem’d not ill pleased with, in so much that I thought that they beckon’d to us to come ashore; but in this we were mistaken, for as soon as we put the boat in they again came to oppose us, upon which I fir’d a musquet between the 2, which had no other Effect than to make them retire back, where bundles of their darts lay, and one of them took up a stone and threw at us, which caused my firing a Second Musquet, load with small Shott; and altho’ some of the shott struck the man, yet it had no other effect than making him lay hold on a Target. Immediately after this we landed, which we had no sooner done than they throw’d 2 darts at us; this obliged me to fire a third shott, soon after which they both made off, but not in such haste but what we might have taken one; but Mr. Banks being of Opinion that the darts were poisoned, made me cautious how I advanced into the Woods. We found here a few small hutts made of the Bark of Trees, in one of which were 4 or 5 Small Children, with whom we left some strings of beads, etc. A quantity of Darts lay about the Hutts; these we took away with us. 3 Canoes lay upon the beach, the worst I think I ever saw; they were about 12 or 14 feet long, made of one piece of the Bark of a Tree, drawn or tied up at each end, and the middle keept open by means of pieces of Stick by way of Thwarts. After searching for fresh water without success, except a little in a Small hole dug in the Sand, we embarqued, and went over to the North point of the bay, where in coming in we saw several people; but when we landed now there were nobody to be seen. We found here some fresh Water, which came trinkling down and stood in pools among the rocks; but as this was troublesome to come at I sent a party of men ashore in the morning to the place where we first landed to dig holes in the sand, by which means and a Small stream they found fresh Water sufficient to Water the Ship. The String of Beads, etc., we had left with the Children last night were found laying in the Hutts this morning; probably the Natives were afraid to take them away. After breakfast we sent some Empty Casks a shore and a party of Men to cut wood, and I went myself in the Pinnace to sound and explore the Bay, in the doing of which I saw some of the Natives; but they all fled at my Approach. I landed in 2 places, one of which the people had but just left, as there were small fires and fresh Muscles broiling upon them; here likewise lay Vast heaps of the largest Oyster Shells I ever saw.'

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 12:37pm

Was also wondering why Blob is talking about the Moriori?

factotum's picture
factotum's picture
factotum Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 1:22pm

They're all the same to him? As Sir Les would say, "lovely little dusky people". Or was that Dame Edna?

Anyway, I'm sure he/she will tell us.

thatguy's picture
thatguy's picture
thatguy Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 2:46pm

Nice cut and paste work crypy. Didn't know you were into craft work. You're a man for all seasons!

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 8:27pm

Crypto knight

Sorry fella but I generally don't read your posts.....after making the effort a while back I thought it best to cross the street and not engage the sad angry case who lost his mind.
....but since you are blowing some foamy spittle my way I'll try to humour post wasn't about Australian natives specifically but directed to the tendency to place a different standard on white settlement to that of indigenous generally.

There is good and bad in everyone.
That is the opposite of racist kind freinds.

If you need a more balanced understanding of the negative aspects of aboriginal societies you can educate yourself.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 28 Sep 2018 at 10:35pm

Your stupid ‘post’ (sic) says it all bloblownin. You fucked up you thick headed, redneck, racist moron. Nice try. F.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Saturday, 29 Sep 2018 at 4:42am

I was just watching the Senate Committee proceedings on Brett Javanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination. Sen Flake who is a Republican has made it much more difficult for him by calling for an FBI investigation with the implied suggestion that if it doesn’t happen he, with two Republican women Senators will vote the nomination down in the full Senate vote. The probability now has to be Kavanaugh is a dead white male.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 29 Sep 2018 at 8:35am

"The probability now has to be Kavanaugh is a dead white male."

No offence blindboy, but I think it is quite pathetic how some of you guys talk. There's a certain brand of people - those who've clearly drank too much from the identity politics well - who just cannot ressist dropping these labels whilst sinking the boot in eg. '....dead white male'.

It's just not necessary, and frankly, it's just sounds a bit fucking nasty.

More division through demonisation, is that the goal?
Sure seems that way...good luck with that...

Anyway, all that aside, if kavanaugh is gone, which it sounds like he might be, doesn't that mean trump will just nominate another conservative for the court? Another, possibly more conservative conservative?

Yep. But all that doesn't matter, because the democrats will just destroy his character too, in another public court of character smearing. And then again, and again, and then again. Delaying and obstructing, delaying and obstructing, until they are in a position to nominate their guy.

Good luck with that one too...

Masters of the corruption of process, all sounds a bit clintonesque. Or was this whole charade always about clinton anyway...

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 29 Sep 2018 at 7:55am

If our royal commission into the sexual abuse of children taught us anything its the victims are incredibly brave to tell their story, they are truthful in what they say and they still deeply feel the pain and suffering of their abuse. Further, women don't make this stuff up, its too personal and goes to the heart of their dignity. Ford and another woman that come forward should be listened to with respect and not labelled part of some Democrat conspiracy.

Kavanaugh is probably a very good man with conservative values but to become a supreme court judge he needs to go through these hearings. Because of their power and role in the American political system these judges are rightly held to a higher ethical and moral standard than their presidents.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 29 Sep 2018 at 8:24am

"..Taken aback by Kavanaugh's decision to call them out, and without any actual evidence to discuss, Democrats were reduced to asking Kavanaugh about references to vomiting and flatulence in his high school year book. Seriously? The world's greatest deliberative body has been reduced to this? As for Democrats' calls for an FBI investigation, their interest in an investigation is not to get to the truth; it's to stop Kavanaugh at all costs. If they wanted the bureau to review Ford's allegation, they should have come forward with that request more than a month ago.

Graham rocked the hearing room when he asked Kavanaugh whether he knew when he met with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Aug. 20 that she had had these allegations for 20 days and had recommended a lawyer to Ford. The point, as Graham said, is that Democrats only want to drag this out so there is time for more fake accusers to come out of the woodwork. They want to run out the clock until the midterm elections, when they hope to retake the Senate and block Trump from putting anyone on the Supreme Court. And in the process, they want to "destroy this guy's life," Graham said."

Yes the women deserve to be heard, but there is a place and a process for that. One needs to respect the process. Apparently this public hoohaa is the last thing Ford wanted, but the democrats, drunk with power - or maybe just down right smacked out with losing it - have lost all perspective.

It's all identity politics version 3.0

Ruthless, unfounded, public character assassination (wiith nothing at all of substance to back it up I might add). If you can't best them fairly, smear them with shit.

I really couldn't give a fuck either way about kavanaugh, really couldn't care less, but, once again, the behaviour of the democrats has been disgraceful, really really bottom of the barrel disgraceful. Which I do care about.

This behaviour might appeal to their new base of chardonnay socialists and wall street wankers, but if they think this shit will win back their traditional base - you know, the people that they actually need to win elections and do stuff legitimately - well...tell em they're dreaming!

they are fucking big time dreaming!